How many people did you bring to the troof?

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Ala Bart Simpson "Underachiever and Proud of it" I brought nobody in.

    My father though: 2

    My sib: 1 with another 2 very likely in the near future.

  • Mary

    Not a damn soul, but I have helped several people question whether or not the governing body are being led by the bottle.....I mean, the Spirit.......

  • inquirer

    0! :D LOL

    I think I would just encourage people these days is to learn about their pratices by "distance education." You know how you do school work at home? Some people do that due to certain circumstances...

    Well, this is what I would do. I'll always say to people "dont' go," just read all the stuff at home! :)
    (If you want...)

    I wouldn't want someone to go there and then be treated badly, like what happened to me... They are as cold blooded as liquid nitrogen! (I remember one guy saying that on here! :D ) [Not all of them, some were genuine, but the general reception leaves a lot to be desired. You might have to bring in a hammer to knock of all the ice! :D ]

  • DazedAndConfused

    None, thank the Lord. lol

    It's funny how it made me feel bad at the time that I didn't but how good it makes me feel today that I didn't.

    Ironic isn't it?

  • rebel8

    0 studies, 0 baptisms. I was enrolled as a reg. pioneer too.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Around 6 or 7. I regret it now.


  • Mulan

    There were a lot of them, and many of those are still going strong. Most of the men became elders and I can think of 3 who still are serving in that capacity.

    (I am talking about couples that both of us studied with)

    For me personally, there were two women. For the two of us, probably 20-30.

  • whyamihere

    None .........and God Thanks me!


  • orangefatcat

    I brought three families to the truth and to baptizm and one I brought back into the organization. And assisted several to come in although the studies weren't mine I just was the assistant. One lady my sister and I studied with, she herself didn't become a witness but she witnessed to her sister and her sister contacted us to tell us that she was going to become a baptized witness. Funny how that one turned out.

    Sometimes I wish that I hadn't brought them into the organization with all the things I know now I wish I had known these lies years ago.


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