I see that "Quotes. Watchtower.ca" is no longer selling this cd. Does anyone know where I could get a copy.
Watchtower Book Shelf CD-ROM...
by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends
Errr, I got it for free at a KH.... ;)
Find relatives who have one, I have the 1999 one b/c of this (and I can get the 1993 and possibly the newest one).
I don't believe this is the official Watchtower CD. They state "These works are not on the Watchtower Society's official Watchtower Library CD".
I'm not sure where to get one, but ...
Find relatives who have one, I have the 1999 one b/c of this (and I can get the 1993 and possibly the newest one).
Errr, I got it for free at a KH.... ;)
... neither of these answers would be correct.
To clarify:
The Watchtower Bookshelf CD-ROM (aka "BS CD") is *NOT* the same as the official Watchtower Library. The BS CD has all of the WT books from 1942 to 1959, in beautiful scanned format but also fully text searchable. Both the content and the format are different from the official "WT library" CD.
True, the BSCD is no longer available, pending Watchtower's identification of which work they claim are infringing copyright, and the logic and law underlying that claim.
It may, or may not, become available again, via the Quotes website (but probably won't be available, I'm too busy on other things now).
The BS CD was always intended to be freely traded and made available; the creator of the BS CD "gave" it to me with the understanding that my Quotes web site was the only "authorized distribution channel for pay". He did this to help offset my hosting costs, and it did. I am very greatful for that act of altruism.
It has come to my attention that some persons are selling the BS CD on eBay, in direct violation of the BC CD's creators intent. However, in light of the suspension of sales at Quotes.Watchtower.ca, the CD creator and I are both happy to encourage this sort of "illegal bootlegging" -- anything to get the message out.
So, to get a BS CD:
(1) Ask someone that has a copy to send your a copy or rip and ISO and file transfer the resulting ISO file so you can burn your own. This is entirely permitted by the BS CD's creator.
(2) Check eBay. I think I saw an Australian gut was selling it a few months ago.
(3) Keep your ears pricked here at JWD. It is possible it will become available via anonymous p2p file transfer. If that happens, there will likely be some buzz here about it. (Hey, are there any P2P experts or BitTOrrent experts that can set that up?????)
~Quotes of the "CDs are easier to cary than dead-tree-pulp products" class -
Quotes, those kauk sukirs are keeping you from putting there own liturature out? LOL tell them your a publisher of the good new and your just trying to help them.
Man that pisses me off. If their liturature is so great you'd think they'd be begging for your help in distribution. kauk sukirs. I hate em.
The WTS can't, even if they had a battalion of 1,000 lawyers, stop the spread of this information.