A couple of days ago I ran into a JW at my job at Walmart. She is a single lady around 50 years old and she looked terrible. I asked how she was,(she always talks to me) and she related how she had lost her job and had to work two low paying jobs. She also lost her health insurance and she is battling a medical condition which she wasn't able to take care of with no insurance so she had lost a lot of weight and looked terrible. She was finally able to find a doctor who would help her and she was able to get free meds from a clinic for her condition and now she is starting to feel better. it looked like she had a ways to go. Where were the elders and congregation while this woman was wasting away? Surely couldn't some money that the congregation had, be used to get the woman the meds and medical attention this woman needed? Where is the Love?
I contrast this with a fellow Walmart worker. She was purchasing an electric blanket and said it was for a older lady at their church. the older lady had an on going cold, she lived where the heat was controled and it was very cold in her apartment. The congregation at that church decided to purchase an electric blanket for the older lady. One of the children donated his entire week's allowance to help purchase the blanket. The Walmart worker frequently shops for their church's food pantry, and she buys material to make quilts for the homeless shelter. You can see their Love.
Why do JW's insist they have Love when it is so apparent that they don't?