Has any body got the march KM yet in English. It should be out by now. Is it really true about the Awake or is an internet rumour. I hope not I have told my dad to look out for it.
March Kingdom ministry Re Awake
by littlemike 23 Replies latest jw friends
Yes it is there and it is not a rumor AWAKE down to monthly publishing
Ok i would like a scan as soon as possible
Thanks stillanexjwelder appreciate your comments
Yep it's true........my brother in law, who's an elder told me about it yesterday. His response? "thank god, that's one less magazine I have to read".
I can host the scans if needed.
now, if they could just get it down to once-a-year publishing.
personally, I wish it was the Watchtower they were publishing less often. the Awake had better (read: not so preachy) articles. -
Will the Watchtower and Awake magazines be down to quarterly issues by the year 2050?
*** Shakes Magic 8 Ball ***
makes you wonder what their excuse for the world not ending will be in 2050? "oh, we have new light that says all of those anointed were mistaken and so there's still like 6,000 left." and by generation, they mean millenia, not 25 years, so it's going to be sometime in the next thousand years after 1914. so we have until 2914. the light is getting brighter!
We have to acknowledge how busy people are now and realize that as Jehovah's people we are busy too. We also have so may brochures and items that are now much more focused on particular problems so many of us has. It just shows how much Jehovah really cares for us and makes sure "his commandments are not burdensome"
Well for the congregation I'm officially listed with, the KMs were sent packaged inside out so that the cover with the news wasn't showing. Puleeeeeze. Like the news wasn't out already.