Exactly Metatron. It's like anyone at a job for a long time. You tend to get used to what is acceptable and what is not. I apply this to those in Bethel. Especially those who write the meaty WT articles. They have become complacent with their positions. If your boss doesn't discuss your use of the company telephone to make long distance calls with you when you make your first few calls chances are that over time you will become a more and more frequent user of the long distance service. By the time you get called on the carpet for over using the long distance you've become really accustomed to using it very frequently.
I feel the same is true at headquarters. Since no one can really call them on sloppy research or conflicting information they get sloppier and sloppier (the heavies at bethel could call them on it but that would require them to have the time and energy to review the articles). By the time someone does get called on it they've been at it for years and the text is available for all to see in the pages of books and magazines.