When the March KM article is read

by IP_SEC 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IP_SEC

    So when this article is read about the monthly awake, it's supose to be good news right, simplification, bla bla bla. Is anyone planning on clapping when it is announced? I'm kinda half seriously contemplating it? Why not, it would just show my agreement with something the GB has done?


  • cruzanheart

    I told my JW friend who works at my office about this coming event last month, when the news hit the board. She knows how "out" I am but likes me anyway. She told me last week that her older sister, who is VERY bossy, called with the "scoop" about the Awake and my friend was able to say, "oh, I already know about that -- you mean you JUST heard?" Heh heh heh.


  • steve2
    Is anyone planning on clapping when it is announced?

    Trouble is, the congregation would hear this as an endorsement of your appreciation of "food in due season". How about a "Woo-Hoo!" instead - there probably would be no mistaking this kind of over-the-top gesture.

  • seattleniceguy

    Dude, that would be so funny to try to start an applause. It might start out awkwardly, because people wouldn't really know whether it is appropriate to clap or not. But like you say, you're just appluading the newest loving provision from the GB, right? So maybe you could get it started. Once everyone was clapping, the whole hall might kind of heave a collective sigh and let it go for real.

    Then, afterward, people might think about it. Like, "Geez, everyone was really pumped to lose an issue of the Awake! And it's true - hell, I was happy about it! But I was afraid to admit it. What does that mean in my life?"

    A long shot, I know, but maybe worth a try?


  • jwsons



    5) Hence, from January, 2006, Awake! will place greater emphasis on God's Kingdom.....Zech 8:23.

    6) Awake! will continue to feature topics of general interest. However, more emphasis will be laid on the Bible (1 Thess. 2:13). Since The Watchtower contains deep Biblical information and Awake! will feature more material that is Scriptural in nature, it does not seem necessary to continue publishing Awake! twice a month. Therefore, beginning with its January 2006 issue, Awake! will be published as monthly magazine. This will result in considerable simplification in the preparation, transaltion, and shipping of our literature.

    7) This change will affect about 40 percent of the languages in which Awake! is published. In most languages, Awake! is already a monthly or a quarterly publication. There will be no change in the publication of The Watchtower"




  • Pole

    Oh, so it's only "40 percent of the languages" that will be affected? Now that's a mitigating circumstance. A few years ago they'd boast as many as 40% of the languages have biweekly Awake, now they say it's only 40 %.

    I wonder what percentage of the circulation thos 40 percent of the languages account for.


  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    This is actually pretty damn hilarious - they pulled the same crap with the "donation arrangement." Basically, see a way to make money/save money/avoid taxes, whatever, it's always money in the end, and then conjure up a scriptural, Biblical, "this is Jehovah's channel" line of reasoning to cover over the money issue. Next, pat yourself on the back as the poor confused "sheep" fall all over themselves trying to believe you. Wow, I think somebody's getting off on this!


  • jwsons
  • funkyderek
    I wonder what percentage of the circulation thos 40 percent of the languages account for.

    Most of it, I'd imagine. About a fifth of JWs are English speakers. Spanish, French and German would probably account for much of the rest of the circulation. All these languages currently have a semimonthly Awake! It's only because the WT isn't bound by the normal rules of economics that it can provide material in languages like Swahili and Togalog. But don't worry. I foresee an announcement in a few years time that the number of languages Awake! will be available in will be reduced to "simplify" distribution and prepare for a time when we all speak the Pure Language?

  • xjw_b12
    I foresee an announcement in a few years time that the number of languages Awake! will be available in will be reduced to "simplify" distribution and prepare for a time when we all speak the Pure Language?

    What? JWs are going to have to learn Hebrew?


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