Hi everyone im new hear is every one here A Jehovah's Witness or former Jehovah's Witness
by Cupcake 21 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Cupcake! It is mostly ex-JWs here, but there are some who are still JWs. Hope you'll stick around!
Hello and welcome .
is every one here A Jehovah's Witness or former Jehovah's Witness
Mostly, but there are some people who have family that are JWs or people looking into the religion more.
is every one here A Jehovah's Witness or former Jehovah's Witness
About 90% are. The rest consists of people that are dating one, were dating one, is married to one, was married to one, has a relative or friend that is one, or people that have heard of or met JWs...
thanks for the welcome here. I was just browsn the internet and ran into this and I thought it would be interesting since I know so much about Jehovah's Witnesses and there teachings. Actually Im really missin my Dad alot so I guess I was praying to God ( Jehovah ) and I guess I got lead to this sight
Hi Cupcake!!!. I was a JW but dissassociated 20 years ago. Best decision I ever made..
I did the same but I dont know if that was such a good decission but actually I really believe its not the religion but your realtionship with Jehovah that will save you end the end.
Welcome Cupcake!
Sorry about your dad, when did you lose him?
My wife always misses her Grandfather in the fall. He died before we met, but she still gets misty-eyes every autumn.
Dave -
I Disassociated from the organization after realizing that it was not the "truth".
Actually Im really missin my Dad alot so I guess I was praying to God ( Jehovah ) and I guess I got lead to this sight
Maybe "someone" is trying to guide you to having a relationship with your god instead of the grief of being controlled by the Watchtower Society.
Double Edge
WELCOME Cupcake... (I like your name) !
Sorry to hear about your dad's passing.... mine's been gone several years.... sometimes it feels like yesterday and other times like forever.
I did the same but I dont know if that was such a good decission but actually I really believe its not the religion but your realtionship with Jehovah that will save you end the end.
AMEN to that!