NWT Sighting on American Idol: UPDATE

by MungoBaobab 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MungoBaobab

    I remember this caused quite a stir a few weeks ago. For those that don't remember, during a quickly-edited montage on American Idol a woman appeared to be holding a copy of the New World Translation.

    Well on tonight's episode it seems this was the mother of a girl named A'ashia ("Asia"). This woman was indeed holding a Bible, but we never do get to see the front of it. It had tabs marking off the different books, but Dubs add these all the time. The thing is the daughter had cornrows and even the mother had quite the ghetto attitude, so even if it was the NWT these two are not your bread-and-butter Dubs.

    Anyone else see it? Opinions?

  • ColdRedRain

    I know pleanty of JW's with that ghetto attitude, what are you talking about?

  • Elsewhere

    I get the feeling that they may not be full-blown JWs... just some people who have studied at one time. Or maybe they are part-time JWs.

  • cab1000

    Last time I thought it pretty clear that it was a NWT. This time, when I seen the bible, it looked like it could be any number of bibles. I hope they interview her, and she brings something up.


  • confusedjw
    these two are not your bread-and-butter Dubs.


  • heathen

    Nope , didn't see it . Was she singing gospel music or something ? That show does need more variety from the contestants . The past couple of weeks it's been 50's tunes or old classic mowtown . I thought it nice for a change . I would like someone to come out and sing a good gospel tune or do something so far out of the mainstream that yes, we could actually say there's an idol.

  • MungoBaobab

    No, she wasn't singing gospel. She actually had a rather unique voice; I was surprised they cut her. But then again, she looks like a boy. The producers put all of the ugly people in one room, all of the bad singers in another, and split the keepers in two other rooms. The hosts then went to each room and related the good or bad news. This A'aisha'a or whatever the hell lipped off the show something fierce after her room got axed (the ghetto attitude).

    This is the first season I've followed the show; now I see why it's been such a hit. It's fun.

  • heathen

    This is the first season I've seen some variety , Most of the talent I've seen before all sounded alike and there was a huge lack of diversity . I could see that the singing coach was a fan of one type of music and think they may have fired her , deservedly so . I still give the people some credit to try and perform under those circumstances must be very difficult .Some should just not even bother , it does take at least a little talent to impress somebody but WTH . LOL I wish I had more talent but do have a little and I think that is more frustrating than having none .. I can pull off some robert plant , elvis , paul mcartney and various others , the thing is I think is to have a unique sound ...........

    heathen of the loves to sing in the shower class

  • wednesday

    I love American Idol. I have been following it, but missed the person u speak of. However, last wed night when they cut the group to 12 guys and 12 grils, it got hot. One young lady did not like that she got cut. They showed her singing and I feel they made the right decision. She wasn't that good or even original . I agree, this year we have a wide diverse group. Hey we even have two long haired rock and rollers in the guy group.

    I felt last year there were too many gospel singers. I like gospel music, but variety is the key to a good show. they are very biased against country singers. Simon hates country music and so does "dog" so watch for the one country singer we have now to get cut quickly.


  • heathen

    I think it was about 2 yrs ago they had a guy that made it big after he won american idol , and guess what , he is a country singer . The stuff I'm talking about is like on soul train or something .

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