Update: To All You Possible Ex-Elders Out There:
I appreciate your comments and private e-mails. Apparently, many of you haven't thought of this 'leverage'
before I mentioned it. The more this 'insurance' policy is used, the more pressure will be put on the Society
to END Judicial Committees for good. They must cringe at the very thought of this stuff being held in private
hands. I knew Circuit Overseers who were absolute fanatics about 'no photo-coping' of anything Judicial.
Add to that the hand written counsel in your elder's manual about what-never-to-write on a disfellowshipping
report and we might have more than a little fear about this sensitive area.
How do you think J. Edgar Hoover lasted so long? He had incriminating files on everything. Why was LBJ so effective as
President when JFK wasn't? He had embarassing files on everything. Some of you may know about the disaster the
Society had some years ago in Denmark , where somebody 'liberated' the confidential Branch files and passed them
to the media! Headlines followed that made a lot of Witnesses into shrinking violets. They say they may have removed
the Branch office sign identifying the building because the public was so incensed ( "Secret Sex Files Kept By Watchtower.....")
it could happen