
by Confusedgirl 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • frenchbabyface

    Welcome !!!

  • Kenneson


    Welcome to the forum. Hope one day you will no longer be confused. Just keep reading and participating.

  • setfree

    Welcome... I hope you will be set free as I am.

  • prophecor

    Hi Confused Girl, I hope you'll take the time and give yourself a break as the energy that we bring to the forum from being in the Kingdom Hall is like no other energy on the planet, good, bad and or indifferent.

    You are among a loving and caring population of people, many with issues, such as we had while still in the Hall, but we are better as we have gotten thru some of the grit and the grime of several core issues that have haunted many of us.

    I think in 6 months you'll feel more at ease with us and yourself, as you come to realise that we are just human, first, and you can go from there. I've said too much as it is but please look around and make yourself comfortable. You may be able to find a greater love here, than you would have ever had while in the Kingdom Hall.

    Love here comes at expense of no one but ourselves, it's given freely however to those who truly need it.


  • clementine

    welcome!!! i'm sure you'll find the support you need here!! ;-)

  • mtbatoon

    Hi confused girl. Hopefully you'll realise that your trepidation is just how the org has conditioned you to think (realising one thing removing it is the tricky bit).

  • under74

    Welcome to the forum

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome confusedgirl

    I had great trepidation when first coming to this site. The WTS has trained us to quit thinking and just get in line. Most here did that for many moons before seeing that something was wrong. My wife were witnesses all our lives - and we are near 50 now.

    We left because it was the right thing to do - not the easy thing to do.

    May God bless your efforts to find real 'truth'


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Dave, I loved this from your "memoirs"! Thanks for putting it out there for us again. So simple, so thought provoking.

    Do you really think the world is completely and totally screwed up because a talking snake told a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit?


    (NO, I don't.)

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Confusedgirl! Welcome to the forum!

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