I was reading the post about God's Intervention on the last page. ( Started a new one to be on current page) Anyway, the question was wether or not God intervines in peoples lives. I have NEVER believed that he does in our time. Even when I was a very faithful witness. But I am more sure now than ever.
On the other hand, my mother has ALWAYS credited good things to God and bad things to Satan. After I was DFed for apostacy (my only crime was questioning the elders privatley) we moved out of state. My mother would not talk to me. I had rented my home to one of my brothers (not a JW) and when he was ready to move out he said that mom really needed a place to stay. We let her move in (my way of at least getting her to talk about business matters with me) and she only paid half of our mortgage. We paid the rest for 2 years. But everytime she talked about having a place to stay so cheap it was because Jehovah provided! But in reality it was an "apostate" that was providing. Did Jehovah work through me? I have 9 other siblings, 3 are JW's and only one other is DFed. (the other 5 were never baptized) Why didn't Jehovah use them to provide? Why didn't he use one or more of the wealthy brothers in her congergation? My mom had been married 29 years and then my dad finally left her. ( he was never a JW) She sued for child support but never for alimony, because "this system will end before the child support runs out". Well it ran out and my dad is no longer under legal obligation to pay her, but he does anyway. But to her it is not my dad providing (out of his disabilty income) it is Jehovah! Again, is Jehovah using a worldly person instead of his own people?
Of Course, when my niece died at 5 weeks old after suffering for 3 horrible weeks in the hospital, that wasn't Jehovah's fault. We were told not to pray that she live but that Jehovah's will be done. When she died it was all Satans fault.
And the BS about some people having grace! What a load of crap! Why would God have grace on a car and not a helpless, suffering, innocent child?