I read that in the new Organized to do Jehovah's will book coming out in March at the KH, Elders will on say Sister so and so is no longer one of JW's. An elder that I work with said that they will announce from now on Joe Bloe has been disfellowshipped from the christian cong and is no longer a JW. Or Jan Bloe has Disassociated herself and is no longer one of JW's so they are still going to say DF and DA but I think they are going to drop the part "conduct unbecoming of a christian" because this can get them into legal trouble when a person goes to the military or votes or takes a blood transfusion. And I guess they will continue to say "Jan Bloe has been reproved but is"still" on of JW's.
Clarifying the new policy regarding DF'd and DA'd announcements
by booker-t 15 Replies latest jw friends
No Apologies
They dropped the "for conduct unbecoming a Christian" a loong time ago, obviously for the fact that it could be construed as slander. Heck, I think at one time they even announced the specific "sin" the person was being DF'd for.
I think your elder is confused. The word here is that the announcement will be "No Apologies is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." No indication of whether it was a DF or DA.
No Apologies
I think your elder is confused.
They are all confused but I do believe the policy is to simplify. No more DA'in or DF'en you. No tellin what you were DF'ed for(long time ago) .... Just.....Joe Blow is no longer one of jehoovers whitlesses.
The part about treating you like shit for the rest of your life unless you come crawling back remains the same.
An elder that I work with said that they will announce from now on Joe Bloe has been disfellowshipped from the christian cong and is no longer a JW. Or Jan Bloe has Disassociated herself and is no longer one of JW's so they are still going to say DF and DA
The issue needs some clarification now. The poster by the name of Mark has posted otherwise in the thread DA-ing Announcement in the Society's New Book.
"conduct unbecoming of a christian
They removed this phrase a long time ago.
Now both
announcements will read the same: "[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's
They will no longer use the words DF'ed or DA'ed ...only Joe Blow is no longer one of JW's. They might not wish to call attention to the fact that more and more people are opting out of the WT (DA'ing) and they sure as hell don't want or need any more lawsuits..
Sorry...cross posted
Either the elder you're referring to is not well informed, or he was deliberately trying
to mislead you. From March 20th, the date on which the society's new book will
be released, both DF and DA announcements will read: "[Name of person] is no longer
one of Jehovah's Witnesses." If you care to know, the announcement for
unbaptized publishers will be: "[Name of person] is no longer recognized as an
unbaptized publisher", and the announcement of reproof will be: "[Name of person]
has been reproved." Nothing will be added to these announcements, which in
all circumstances must be approved by the PO in advance.
So on March 19th someone, somewhere will be the the last person ever to announced as 'disfellowshipped'. Quite an honour.
Double post
both DF and DA announcements will read: "[Name of person] is no longer
one of Jehovah's Witnesse." I
It's still slander and here's why.
n 1: a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH [syn: Yahweh, YHWH, Yahwe, Yahveh, YHVH, Yahve, Wahvey, Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah, JHVH] 2: terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God [syn: Godhead, Lord, Creator, Maker, Divine, God Almighty , Almighty, Jehovah]
wit·ness ( P ) Pronunciation Key (w
n.- One who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced: a witness to the accident.
- One who furnishes evidence.
- Something that serves as evidence; a sign.
- Law.
- One who is called on to testify before a court.
- One who is called on to be present at a transaction in order to attest to what takes place.
- One who signs one's name to a document for the purpose of attesting to its authenticity.
- An attestation to a fact, statement, or event; testimony.
- One who publicly affirms religious faith.
- Witness A member of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
v. wit·nessed, wit·ness·ing, wit·ness·es
v. tr.- To be present at or have personal knowledge of.
- To take note of; observe.
- To provide or serve as evidence of. See Synonyms at indicate.
- To testify to; bear witness.
- To be the setting or site of: This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.
- To attest to the legality or authenticity of by signing one's name to.
v. intr.
- To furnish or serve as evidence; testify.
- To testify to one's religious beliefs.
Notice where I have marked in red. By definition, anyone who professes Judeo christian beliefs is a Jehovah's witness. They don't get to make that distinction. Period. It's like saying someone is no longer "One of Jesus Disciples". No one gets to make that distinction. I think everyone who was DF'd w/ that statement should sue the crap outta them.