anyone ever heard of THE RIVER church?

by what_Truth? 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GetBusyLiving

    It might be some sort of beef jerky curing service.. might be interesting. Id check it out, let us know how it goes!

  • willyloman

    Eisenhower's mother, who spent some years as an active JW, once belonged to "The River Brethren" church. Any connection?

    p.s. Don't eat the bread!

  • funkyderek

    Free food, you say?

    Sign me up!

  • Gill

    But whatever you do, don't let them put you under the water!!!!

  • Kenneson

    If you ever attend one of their services and they sing "Shall We Gather At the River?" make sure you run!

  • under74

    They give you free beef jerky and bread? GOOD GOD! Did they say where the pizza is from? If its Domino's I wouldn't go but.....
    just be nice to them so they keep giving you the beef jerky.

  • snakeizz

    sounds like a cult...trying to trick you in with food!

  • ulyankee

    Yes, they are a cult, and are one and the same as Victory Campus Ministries. The parent organisation's name this week is Every Nation... before that they were Morning Star International. They used to be Maranatha Campus Ministries back in the 70s and 80s. Look them up in the Ubyssey archives and you'll find out all kinds of history about these guys. There seems to have been no love lost between Maranatha and UBC. Also, look up "Rice Broocks" in those Ubyssey archives... he's the guy who's now in charge of this outfit.

    Their main website is

    The River's website might be down, but they are still listed in Every Nation's church directory. They might look all nice and orthodox on the outside but on the inside they are a cult through and through. They practice what used to be called "Shepherding." They don't call it that anymore but it's the same now... just different terminology (they call it "accountability," passing on "spiritual DNA" and "discipleship" now).

    Their mother church (they're now based in Nashville, Tennessee) also does the food thing. They sent a couple of sweet young college kids to our apartment with a gift bag. I still remember that it was really good bread from an expensive gourmet bakery. :-)

    Bert Thomson, who was UBC Maranatha chapter's pastor back in the day, went here after Maranatha supposedly "broke up" in 1990... They consider The River their "sister church:"

    The founding pastor of that outfit is now Rice Broocks' right hand man in Nashville--he went there in 2000.

    Victory Campus Ministries does not appear to be a registered student group/club on UBC's campus. Wonder why.

    Enjoy the bread but lock and bolt the door after they leave.


    ulyankee ([email protected])

  • Ghosthunter

    Uck! Another cult! There must be as many of them out there as "real" religions.

    On a lighter note, here's a funny story for everyone. Down the road from me, there used to be a gun store/tanning salon. After all, this IS Michigan and the gun store owner put his extra space to use and put a tanning salon in the back room. Last summer, I noticed that the store had vacated. It was just a little store in a mini-mini mall. Later on in the fall, I noticed a sign that said "White Pines Methodist Church". I thought to myself, "This must be offices for the church or something similar." NO. It was the actual CHURCH! In the gun store/tanning salon space! To further my amusement, they thought someone in our house actually ATTENDED this church and dropped off some gourmet coffee and biscotti in a basket at our door and invited us to come back.

    We ate the biscotti and we're working on trhe coffee.

    The Gun Store Church. Like I said, only in Michigan.


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