If any are still going to meetings or allowing the organization to control you, I'd like to know why are you ALLOWING the elders to dictate to you what is right and wrong. The elders are no better than you!
Why Let The Elders Tell You What To Do?
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
If we allow the elders to dictate what is right and what we can do or not do, and we follow their rules, we're really screwing ourselves, right? When they tell you to appear before them, have your lawyer respond for you!
Minimus, I don’t let the elders dictate to me what I do or don’t do. Keeping one’s personal business private and the elders ignorant is a tact followed by many active JWs. Once you’ve been burned a few times you learn to keep your mouth shut.
They really are paper tigers! The only power these printing company preachers have is the power the RF give them. Why do you think they back-off so quickly once they know a person sees them for what they are? They lie to themselves and run away because deep down they know they don't have any real "Godly Authority", they know they are a fraud! The whole, "God's Organization" basis is an illusion.
Yet they have the real power to disfellowship!
Because they have been appointed by Jehovah's earthly organisation and since this old system is going to end soon I want the best job possible in the new system. As long as I obey the 'princes' there may be a possibilty that I will survive the end and they will remember how much I kissed their asses in 'Satan's World" so I can help train resurrected unrighteous people to kiss their asses too instead of being on the back of the garbage truck with brother Independent Thinker.
True harm does come from this policy. But the Elders need the RF to follow their evil and hate-filled actions for this to happen. The WTS knows that many would walk away if not for the shunning of family and friends. There are many pretent JW's who do not follow the rules on DFing outside the view of the Elders.
Hey maverick, guess what? there are many elders who don't follow their own policies behind closed doors too. Sorry, had to add that to your post. I have known of elders who are pedofiles, internet porn surfers, cheaters, tax invaders etc. It always made me think when I was still a witness, what are they doing secretly and then going up on the platform blabbering on about the rest of us for. makes me that I used to have so much fear of them, terror actually. Now, if they came to my door i would tell them right where they could stick it.
You're so right mama! Many Elders know in their hearts that they don't have any "Godly Authority"! They know deep down they are spiritual frauds. They lie to themselves, they lie to the RF, and they have the hidden fear of being found out. So much for the "happy JW's"...the biggest lie of all!
Like Maverick mentioned, for alot of us there's the family as hook. From at least this fader's perspsective, its about working the system, and letting the system somewhat work for us. Every group has some amount of social reciprocity within it. Gotta give to be able to take, simple as that.
I try to meet the bare minimum of those and do what I damn well please behind closed doors. I'd venture that alot of elders and ministerial servants do too, because less than two years ago, I was still an active MS, and in our meeting with the CO he was spending quite a bit of time on internet porn.