the wts involvement in the case certainly gave an image of forbidden association - that, coupled with the failure to explain - seems like a double standard
jimmy swaggert - gasp!
by seesthesky 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
exactly! see? we DO understand each other!
It "smells bad".
Proof: mention the fact of the WT Amicus bried to an active JW, and they will cover their ears and run away from your "apostate lies". They know is smells bad, that is why (they think) it can not possibly be true.
Yes, the ACLU files brief which support "bad groups", but using this fact to defend the WT actions only serves to bring them (WT) down to the level of other "worldly" organizations.
Also, notice: the ACLU files many, many briefs, because they are in the business of protecting liberties. The WT filed *ONE* brief (OK, maybe there were others, but still it's rare) and it was to protect their own financial ass, even if it meant helping to protect Swagart's ass in the process.
It just smells bad.
~Quotes. -
guess I'm way behind the times. what did swaggert do?
he tried to dance one too many times - lol - no -here's a link -
Ah, the org's view is, "...prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves." Adopting this view their conscious is clean. They have to scripturally cover their tracks.