WT a Member of International Federation of Religions and Minority Philosoph

by Bluegrass Tom 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    I found an active web site: http://www.religion.qc.ca/Fiches/fiche134.htm which indicates that the Watchtower Society is/was a member of the International Federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies. This website is in french. If you use Google to navigate to it, Google will translate into english for you.

    This is an Association founded in Switzerland and France on October 7, 1992, and is directed against the Association's anti-sects. It started with 17 associations of which Scientology, Raëliens, the Church of the Unification (until 1993), Shri Chimnoy, Wica Western (witchcraft), Jehovahs Witnesses and the Patriarch are members. So much for "No part of the World".

    It appears to me that the member Associations are banding together to share information and legal ideas to prevent former members to speak out against them. A bunch of nervous Organizations.

    Source of information:

    DICTIONARY OF the RELIGIOUS GROUPS Today Religions:églises:sectes:nouveaux spiritualistic movements religieux:mouvements. By Jean Vernette: assisted by Claire Moncelon second re-examined and corrected edition: January 1996
    University presses of France ISBN 2 13 047036x

  • melmac

    Even more reason for the WTS to decry the internet. How else were we going to know that?

  • candidlynuts

    wow thats interesting.. cant wait to see some of our brainy researchers dig deeper into this!

  • ValiantBoy

    And yet local congrgations are discouraged from having the meeting times listed on the church directory of the newspaper

  • Leolaia

    Here is an article about it in the "Watchtower Observer" website:

    Since the Observer website has been pulled down, only the Google cached page still exists ... archive it if you want before the cache expires.

  • IP_SEC

    Hmmm. No Watchtower Society? IBSA? CCoJW? I dont know could this be a splinter group, or someone just calling themselves by this name? Something a little more concrete linking them to the Society would be good.


  • Elsewhere


    I believe I found their legal charter... can someone translate this to english?

  • IP_SEC
  • IP_SEC

    Here ya go, this is from babelfish so some french speakers may want to look it over


    Created on the initiative of the Scientology (represented by Daniele Gounord), of the sect Moon (Bernard Mitjavile), and of the movement raëlien (Claude Vorilhon), this association tries to gather called "the new religious movements". The adherent organizations are, as by chance, of the sects. A code of conduct is specified clearly in the statutes of this association: to avoid tackling the questions of philosophy

    It does not matter if the FIREPHIM gathers organizations with the incompatible beliefs and the sometimes hegemonic ambitions, essence for the moment is that "the union made the force". Objective announced as of its creation: "to destroy the ADFI". Statutes of the FIREHIM in France, which shows clearly that the active members are people morals (article 3 and article 5). A trust of the sects was constituted to try to destroy the ADFI

    List members of the board of directors of association known as International Federation of the Minority Religions and Philosophie France FIREPHIM-FRANCE President founder of honor: Claude Vorilhon - Raël. Founder of International the Raëlien Movement President: Daniele Gounord, of Paris, born in 1941. Profession: Kinesitherapist. Nationality: Frenchwoman Secretary: Jacques Aizac, of Strasbourg, born in 1950. Profession: Architect-computer graphics expert. Nationality: Frenchwoman Treasurer: Bernard Mitjavile, St Denis, born in 1950. Profession: Person in charge for the Church of the Unification. Nationality: Frenchwoman Assistant treasurer: Jean Paul Brisacher, Resident With LAUTEBOURG, Born 1951. Profession: Laboratory technician. Nationality: Frenchwoman Extract of the Official report of the General meeting Constitutive of association known as: International federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies, or FIREPHIM France December 1992 in Strasbourg was held a Générale assembly Constitutive for creation of association known as International Federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies or FIREPHIM. After discussion and examination of a project of statutes, the final statutes herewith were adopted unanimously. In accordance with the text of the adopted statutes, it was proceeded to the election of a Board of directors (see joined list). Fact in Strasbourg, December 17, 1992 The President, The Secretary, Daniele Gounord, Jacques Aizac

    Statutes of association

    ARTICLE 1 It is created an Association called "FIREPHIM" FRANCE or INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF the RELIGIONS AND MINORITY PHILOSOPHIES FRANCE whose registered office is, 26, street of Ottrot - 67200 STRASBOURG. It is registered with the Register of Associations of the Magistrates' court of STRASBOURG and control by articles 21 to 79 of the local Civil code, maintained into force by the law of introduction of the French civil legislation of June 1, 1924.

    ARTICLE 2 Association has as an aim: 1) to ensure the defense of the freedom of conscience and religion: by the respect of the humans right such as they are stated in particular in: the Universal Declaration of the Humans right, article 18; the European Convention of Safeguard of the Humans right and of Fundamental Freedoms, article 9; the international Pact relating to the Civic rights and Political, article 18; by the fight against the injustices, distort them information, the intolerance and more generally any form of discrimination whose the minority religions and philosophies like their members can be victims. 2) to ensure the respect of the private life, the family, the residence or the correspondence, the honor and the reputation of the individual, by the respect of the humans right such as they are stated in: the Universal Declaration of the Humans right, article 12; the European Convention of Safeguard of the Humans right and of Fundamental Freedoms, article 8; the Declaration of the Rights of the Child of the United Nations. 3) to denounce the discriminatory acts, writings or words with regard to the members of all confessions, so that those can practise their religion without being worried: by public or deprived investigations or it collection of information, being able to give place to actions at law; by the publication of the results of investigation by respecting the anonymity of the victims; 4) to contribute to objective and impartial information of the company, on the Minority religions and Philosophies. The means of action of Association for the realization of its object are: The creation of an Ethics committee gathering of the personalities concerned with the freedom of religion and conscience and recognized for their competence and their impartiality in fields such as the Right, History and/or Sociology. These personalities will be brought to be consulted and to come to a conclusion on the cases of religious or philosophical discrimination statements by Association, or about the charges whose members of Association can be the object. The constitution of civil part in lawsuits in connection with the object of Association. The diffusion of information objectify on the minority religions and philosophies or common topics interesting the minority religions and philosophies. The constitution of a bank of data-processing data accessible by Minitel or available on other supports, to carry out this diffusion. The creation or the use of collective radios and televisions collective in time of antenna divided. The organization of various public demonstrations, conferences, round tables, etc... The organization of an International Living room of the Religions and Philosophies Minority. The creation of an Office in charge of the relationships to the Administration, in order to defend: interests of the philosophical and religious minorities. And more generally, any means necessary and/or useful for the realization of its object.

    Association will be able to cause the creation of ' think tanks ' while utilizing external experts to propose solutions with common problems of a social nature interesting the members. Association begins to abstain from any political activity. Its duration is fixed at 99 years as from the statement made in accordance with the law. It could be extended by decision of the General meeting.


    ARTICLE the 3 categories of members are defined under the articles as follows: the Members of Honor, titrates honorary granted by the Board of directors. The title confers to the people who obtained it the right to form part of the General meeting without being held to pay an annual contribution. Active members or Adherent, people morals for which the request for adhesion was accepted by the Board of directors, which meets the conditions specified in the Rules of procedure and which are up to date of their annual obligation whose amount is fixed each year by the General meeting. The Members Sympathizers, persons or entities for which the request for subscription to the Bulletin of Connection was accepted by the Board of directors and who pour a reduced contribution. They do not take share at the General Assemblies.

    ARTICLE the 4 people adherent morals contribute to the operation of the Federation: by the payment of an annual contribution whose amount is fixed each year by the Board of directors; by the joint definition of a prospective calendar of actions and meetings.

    ARTICLE 5 Association is composed people morals, who will have to be approved by the Board of directors, after possible consultation of the Ethics committee. Each adherent legal entity of the Federation will name among her active members an individual and a substitute to represent it in her centre. This representative will take part in the General Assemblies and will be eligible to the Board of directors. Generally, by respect of the plurality of the convictions represented in the Federation, the confrontations of religious or philosophical convictions are not allowed within the Federation. The Rules of procedure will lay down the methods of this principle.

    ARTICLE 6 The membership of the Federation is lost for the people morals: by the voluntary withdrawal, which must be written, dated and be signed by an official representative; by the radiation pronounced on serious grounds or refusal to contribute to operation, by the recourse, Board of directors except to the General meeting. The representative of the legal entity beforehand has to provide his explanations. The outgoing or erased members can claim with no right on the goods of the federation, nor to formulate any complaint on the sums paid by them under their contribution.

    Administration and operation

    ARTICLE 7 Association is managed by a Board of directors at least made up of three members, elected for three years by the General meeting and chosen in her centre. In the event of vacancy, the council provides temporarily for the replacement with its members a certain number of Temporary Administrators are indicated for this purpose at the time of each renewal of the Board of directors. Is carried out to the final replacement of a member of the council by the next General meeting. The capacity of a member thus elected ends at the time or should normally expire the mandate of the replaced member. The Board of directors is renewed each year per third. The outgoing members are re-eligible. No one cannot form part of the Board of directors if it is not major.

    ARTICLE 8 The Board of directors chooses among its members, with the secret vote, an at least composed Office: of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer

    ARTICLE 9 the Board of directors meets at least once per annum and each time that it is convened by his President or on the request of the third of his members. The decisions are made in the majority of the voices. In the event of division, the voice of the President is dominating. Any member of the Board of directors which, without excuse, will not have attended three consecutive meetings could be regarded as resigner. He is held Procès-verbal of the meetings. The official reports are signed by the President and the Secretary. They are established, without white nor erasures, on layers numbered and preserved at the seat on a Register held for this purpose. The members of the Board of directors cannot receive any remuneration at a rate of the functions which are entrusted to them. Only reimbursements of expenses are possible. They must be the subject of a decision express of the Board of directors. Justifications must be produced which are the subject of checks.

    ARTICLE 10 The General meeting of Association includes/understands all the adherent members except the members up to date sympathizers of their contribution. She meets once per annum, if possible towards the date birthday of the creation of Association, and each time that she is convened by the Board of directors. This convocation must be made by individual letter addressed to each member at least 15 days in advance, the agenda being indicated on each convocation. It is held official report of the deliberations. All the deliberations are taken by a show of hands in the majority absolute of the member present. A secret vote can be exceptionally required, either by the Board of directors, or by the quarter of the members present. The official reports are signed by the President and the Secretary. They are established, without white nor erasures, on layers numbered and preserved at the seat on a Register held for this purpose. The agenda is regulated by the Board of directors. The annual General meeting hears the reports/ratios moral and financial and deliberates on it. It approves the accounts of the closed exercise, vote the budget of the following exercise, deliberates on the questions on the agenda and renews the Board of directors. It names an Audit Board of the accounts, made up of two members taken apart from the Board of directors. An annual report is addressed each year to all the members of Association.

    ARTICLE 11 The expenditure is scheduled by the President. The President represents Association in justice and in all the acts of the civil life. The President can delegate his powers, on opinion of the Board of directors to another member of the Board of directors.

    ARTICLE 12 The annual receipts of Association are composed: income of its goods, contributions and complementary contributions of its members, State grants, areas, departments, communes and publicly-owned establishments, product of liberalities and gifts, resources created in exceptional circumstances and, if it is necessary, with the approval of the proper authority (searches, conferences, concerts, spectacles, etc... with the profit of Association), and more generally, of all resources authorized by the law.

    ARTICLE 13 It is from day to day held an accountancy in recettes/dépenses and if it is necessary a material accounting.

    Modification of the statutes and dissolution

    ARTICLE the 14 statutes can be modified only on the proposal of the Board of directors or on the proposal of the quarter of the active members of the up to date Association of their contribution. The Extraordinary General meeting called to come to a conclusion about these modifications, must be composed of the quarter at least of her members. If this proportion is not reached, the General meeting is convened again, but at fifteen days of interval. She can then deliberate, some is the number of members present. A majority of the 3/4 of the members present is necessary for the adoption of the project. A member absent can be made represent by another member, by means of a written capacity.

    ARTICLE 15 The General meeting called to come to a conclusion about the dissolution of the Association and especially convened for this purpose, under the conditions envisaged with the preceding article, must include/understand, at least, half plus one of the members in exercise representing half plus one of the voices. If this proportion is not reached, the assembly is convened again, but at fifteen days at least of interval and, this time, it can validly deliberate, whatever the number of members present or represented. In all the cases, dissolution can be voted only in the majority of the three quarters of the members present. A member absent can be made represent by another member, by means of a written capacity.

    ARTICLE 16 In the event of dissolution, the General meeting appoints one or more Police chiefs, in charge of the liquidation of the goods of Association. She allots the credit net to one or more Associations working towards a similar end.

    ARTICLE 17 The President must make known in the three months with the Magistrates' court of STRASBOURG, the declarations concerning: changes occurred in the composition of the Board of directors, the modifications brought to the statutes, the transport of the registered office; dissolution.

    ARTICLE 18 the Rules of procedure will be prepared by the adoptee and Board of directors by the General meeting

    Fact in STRASBOURG, December 17, 1992 in an original plus an original for Association and two intended for the registration of copyright. The Secretary The President The Treasurer

    A trust of the sects was constituted to try to destroy the ADFI (source: BUBBLES, 1st quarter 1993) the leaders of several sectarian organizations announced at the time of the televised debate "French, if you speak! "the foundation of a" international Federation of the minority religions and philosophy ". Among the founders: Daniele Gounord (ex-president of the Scientology in France, accused for the lawsuit in the course of instruction in Lyon), Claude Vorilhon, alias Raël, in large implements of messenger of extraterrestrial, Bernard Mitjavile (Moon sect). That those which we forget forgive (*). the program of the "FIREPHIM" was stated with force: to destroy the ADFI

  • Schizm

    It's likely that the "Witnesses of Jehovah" are not affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Note what I copied from off of here:

    Summary description, mission:

    International federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies. Association founded in Switzerland and France on October 7, 1992, directed in particular against Associations anti-sects, and gathering in the beginning 17 associations of which Scientologie, Raëliens, the Church of the Unification (until 1993), Shri Chimnoy, Wica Western, Witnesses of Jéhovah, the Assembly of Baha' is of France, the Patriarch. See Adfi. A section in Canada. Represented, in France, a defence reaction of the qualified groups " sects " by the media.

    Internet site:

    Statutes of Firephim in France

    Now here it is untranslated:

    Description sommaire, mission :

    Fédération Internationale des Religions et Philosophies Minoritaires. Association fondée en Suisse et en France le 7 octobre 1992, dirigée en particulier contre les Associations anti-sectes, et regroupant à l'origine 17 associations dont la Scientologie, les Raëliens, l’Église de l'Unification (jusqu'en 1993), Shri Chimnoy, la Wica occidentale, les Témoins de Jéhovah, l'Assemblée des Baha'is de France 1, le Patriarche. Voir ADFI. Une section au Canada. Traduit, en France, une réaction de défense des groupes qualifiés de " sectes " par les media.

    Mise au point de l'Assemblée des Baha'is de France

    (1) L'assemblée de Baha'is de France nous indique, par e mail du 25 juin 2002; qu'elle a protesté auprès de la scientologie pour avoir été mise sur la liste des membres de la Firephim alors qu'elle n'en a jamais fait partie.

    Site internet :

    Les statuts de la Firephim en France http://www.multimania.com/tussier/firephim.htm

    But notice the way Bluegrass Tom has reported it here in this thread:

    This is an Association founded in Switzerland and France on October 7, 1992, and is directed against the Association's anti-sects. It started with 17 associations of which Scientology, Raëliens, the Church of the Unification (until 1993), Shri Chimnoy, Wica Western (witchcraft), Jehovahs Witnesses and the Patriarch are members. So much for "No part of the World".

    I tend to doubt that Bluegrass Tom has all his ducks in a row.



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