Understanding why people leave

by Qcmbr 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1Peter318

    Hi Q

    I too am new here and would like you to answer an LDS question.

    When you recite "As man is, God once was, As God is, man may become." or use the word
    God in any context: What is your God the god of? If you are like most LDS then you hope
    to be a god someday and have your own planet that will be populated with your children.
    So when you are a god and the one you now call God is still a god, then how will your
    domains be separated? T
    		hank you in advance.
  • Qcmbr

    Hiya Peter, I guess the best way to answer your question is to start off by saying I havent got a clue but here is my understanding - We are all part of a family and that family doesn't ever end. What is great here (hopefully our family but not always!),can last and we can continue to have children, what sucks we can leave behind. We become like God simply by gaining a resurrected body and learning what He knows. Some people don't want the responsibility so they don't have to have it. As for new worlds, I bagsy Mars.

  • clementine

    welcome to you Qcmbr, and to Peter too!!!

  • JT

    If people thought we were JW when we talked on the doorstep we always made some smart alec comment like- 'Do we look that unhappy?'


    great point and i agree most of the mormon who come to my home are happy and the jw are not, the reason in my view is simple

    each day a moron gets up and goes house to house they know that in 354 more days i will NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN- SO for you each day is a COUNT DOWN, TO NEVER KNOCKING ON DOORS AGAIN

    now in the case of the jw - this is the major difference, each sat morning the jw knows that he will be doing this for as long as he lives and as result of not seeing any end in sight, the preaching work becomes a chore, boring and a burden-

    just watch how jw drag from house to house, hardly a person carrying a message of such claimed importance- for one carrying a life and death message to all in the neighborhood- they certainly are in no rush


  • JT

    each day a moron

    MY BAD


  • poppers

    Hi Q, and welcome.

    Last summer two female missionaries came to my house and we had a very pleasant 1 hour conversation, mostly on my part, as I tried to give a nondualistic explanation of life, the universe and everything (is that a subtle reference here for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?, hehe). They were very open to it all, and I think it made them question their own firmly held beliefs, though probably for just a few minutes. At least they said they will have to think more about it, which to me was a positive sign. When they left I pointed out my neighbor's house two houses down, who are jw. I don't know if they went there or not, but was curious as to what kind of encounter it would have been if they did. Had a jw come to my door I am sure that they wouldn't have stayed to listen with the openness that these two young missionaries displayed.

    You said, 'I guess when you love your church and someone else stops feeling the same way it feels a little like they rejected you.'

    Yes, this is how identified we become with something outside ourselves. Those identifications give one a sense of 'self' that is comforting and when that sense of self is threatened we react, usually negatively. My question to people is to ask them to find out who and what they really - what are you before any identification with ideas and beliefs has been made? Who and what are you without anything to hang on to, to identify with? Discover directly for yourself what you are without any reliance on someone else's interpretation of god, the world, or self. When you discover for yourself what you really are then notice what happens to suffering and separation from 'god' and others.

  • Dawn


    Welcome - I appreciate your honesty in response to questions, as well as your stand not to preach too much. You seem like a very nice, well rounded, level headed, guy. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hey Q:

    I am on the ex-mormon board, the XJW board, and the XAmish board. I've seen you over there. I have always loved God, and I have tried to find him all my life. I've always felt close to him. I have only felt one thing: the truth. The truth is the truth is the truth. If it changes, then it was never the truth. I hate to say it: but all these ridiculous religions are just that: RIDICULOUS. If you really stand back and look at them: The JWs, the Mormons, The Amish.. These religions came into being within the last 200 years, and their doctrines, and secret handshakes, and underwear, and isolation is totally silly. Think about it.

    Jesus only said two things: Love him, and love your neighbor. That about covers it, right? Cuz if you love him, you won't do nothin bad... and if you love your neighbor as yourself,,, then ya won't do nothin bad either.

    That is pretty profound if ya look at it. Just two simple things.. Just two laws.. no handshakes.. no underwear.. no nothing.. just two simple laws...


  • GetBusyLiving

    No offence but a JW and a Morman in a theological debate is like a couple of one legged men in an ass kicking contest.

  • Dawn
    No offence but a JW and a Morman in a theological debate is like a couple of one legged men in an ass kicking contest.

    I don't agree. It's just that they would both be basing their faith on different texts. The JW's have their own version of the bible (NWT), Mormons have their own version of "inspired texts" - same thing with Muslims who have their own version of "inspired text". Bottom line though - is that all three religions were started by a "prophet" of some sort - same thing with Bahali. So I think the debate would be very interesting to listen to. If nothing else, I think it would help an active JW to perhaps open their eyes to some of their own beliefs and the control system they are in.

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