Things That Youths Hate About Being A JW:

by Englishman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Being asked what I got for christmas.

  • paws

    Elsewhere.....I can just see all the youngsters going along with the play-acting, pretending that what their parents expect of them is what they really want for themselves. The sadness of it all!

    My daughter gave up the chance to go to college to train as a child-care nursery nurse (her heart's desire), having made me so proud that she'd passed the exam but being mentally manipulated into believing that if she didn't Pioneer instead her love for Jehovah was seriously in doubt!

  • mrsjones5

    when i was in grade school i wanted to be a brownie. all my friends were brownies and got to do fun stuff and wear that cute uniform. so when my daughter got the chance to be a brownie i signed her up. she has so much fun and it's all about being a girl and doing fun and cool stuff and building charater (sp) and self esteem. I guess that's a bad thing for a jw little girl to have huh?


  • Englishman

    Re the standing on the stage thing:

    I got sick of seeing pioneer girls standing on the stage singing about Wonderful, wonderful pioneering to this tune:


  • Crumpet

    the sheer suicidal lonliness of being marked at 14 and not able to associate in or out of the truth.

    feeling compelled to get baptised at 13.

    never being good enough for my missionary parents - ever ever ever.

    having to make the decision to toe the line or be homeless if I didnt

    the look on my mothers face as she saw my nicotine stained fingers when i bumped into her n the street a few weeks after i left.

    waking up in hospital after an overdose at 16 still as a baptised witness to find no witness friends came to see me and the joy and relief, overwhelmingly, as every single wordly person and their extended family came to see me and brought me presents and love and that i still thought satan must have sent them.

    the pits.

  • lisaBObeesa

    not being able to go out for sports................. and having to explain why a zillion, trillion times

    not being able to date..........and having to explain why a zillion, trillion times

    not being able to go to dances or proms........................ and having to explain why a zillion, trillion times.

    not being able to wear the clothes they like

    not being able to wear their hair the way they like

    not being allowed to question the Org

    not being allowed to make their own choices and learn from them

    having their identity chosen for them

    living with constant fear of your whole family treating you like you are dead if you step out of line

    living in constant fear that Jehovah is gonna kill ya.

    wondering if you are crazy because none of the stuff you have been taught your whole life makes any sense at all...

    feeling completely alone, because you can't talk to anyone about how you are feeling and what you are going through

    not being allowed to be NORMAL

    not being allowed to be YOURSELF

    being treated like you are 9 years old when you are 18 years old

    having the whole congregation watching you and just looking for a reason to 'report' you or lable you a 'bad association.'

    being controlled with FEAR

    never feeling good enough

    always knowing you don't belong

    the terrible overwhelming desire to GET OUT OF THE ORG, but you CAN'T because you are still just a kid. It is like a nighmare that you can't wake up from.

  • lisaBObeesa


  • paws

    Love your sense of humour Englishman. Thanks

  • paws

    Love your sense of humour Englishman. Thanks

  • GetBusyLiving

    :It is like a nighmare that you can't wake up from.

    That is exactly how I've felt for my entire life. There were happy times but it was only when I was letting myself be me, it was despite the organization, few and far between.

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