In my school the two JW kids sat out of assemblies and I always wondered what they got up during that time. I always wanted to have the courage to say I had religious objections to assemblies but to be honest I just hated siting cross legged on the wooden floor for ages. Anyone experience sitting out assemblies (or whatever your school equivelant is) and what did you do?!
What did you do during school assemblies?
by Qcmbr 13 Replies latest jw friends
In high school, I'd say I couldn't go to an assembly because of being a JW, then go out to the smoke-hole and puff away. Sometimes my girlfriend would be there and we'd fool around.
Every monday morning, up to the headmasters office to speel out some psudoe oath of allegience to respect the queen, teachers and the law. But we also got to monitor the headmasters phone and other important stuff....that was during the 60's
There were 11 JWs in our secondary school and we used to sit in the entrance hall during school assemblies, as soon as the collective "amen" was said at the end of the lords prayer in we would all go filing down past all the school as they sat and waited for us, 1000 pair of eyes burning into us every morning. It was lovely!
Yep, there were about three of us at most (one being my older sister). We sat out the assemblies in the library which was at the front of the hall ( so everyone could see us behind the glass ) and sat there twiddling our thumbs for 20 mins. We could talk but only in whispers, and when the Lord's prayer was done we filed out and sat at the front facing everyone else! So we had kids staring at us for half an hour wondering what we'd done wrong, and then the questions in the playground later on! Was I made to feel like the odd one out? You BET I was. Did I feel superior like we were supposed to. LIKE HELL I DID!! Am I bitter about it all ?.....
I'm just glad there was no religion at the high school I attended after. I could sit in the assemblies, and no matter how boring it was it beat the pants off being stared at like that every day. -
I attended all our school assemblies and sang the hymns and prayers too. I also attended the Scripture classes. When I was about 14 the WT put the kaybosh on it, so I was then ostracised as being part of that weird religion.
We only ever saluted the flag once a year on Empire Day.
I went to all school assemblies except those with explicit holiday themes. In elementary school, I went to SAWA, which was "Sing Along With Art," Art was our principal, and we would all sing songs in the cafetorium, I would not sing the national anthem, but I did always sing the State Song, which was beautiful and I thought it was okay because I wasn't ever told about the State Song. As a result, I get very teary-eyed with emotion when I hear it and feel next to nothing when I hear the Star Spangled Banner. In middle school, I went to the anti-drug and talent show assemblies, and then there was the assembly on the last day of school in 8th grade that was probably the most insane moment of my life (e.g. glorious food fight, the whole 8th grade class rioting and escaping school like bats out of hell). In high school, I went to pep rallies but really hated them...I wished I wouldn't have to endure them. One time I did cut the assembly and tried to sneak into the library to do some reading instead during the rally.
I had lots of friends at school who wanted to skip assembly too and were basically green with envy. I did what all good JWs did and gloated!
Slightly off topic, but in music class as a ten year old I had to spin my seat around and and sit staring at the class whenever they would sing any God related songs or anything about war. You couldn't picture a more depressed kid at that age I'm tellin ya.
Big Dog
I just got small and kept my mouth shut. For the most I went and enjoyed, the only time it was really an issue was when they had parties, then my mom would pick me up and take me home.