I've been here on Maui for about 7 months now, to start life over after my ordeal on the Mainland with the dubbies. And for the most part it's been good.....
Until last month when my employer announced bankruptcy. So I am out of work for now, but and I am starting my own business again. Octavia had to leave the island to work in Guam for three months temporarily. So I am taking care of matters here, until she comes back.
But sofar I have celebrated X-Mas by myself, same for New Years and Valentines day. The only company I had was a little kitty I am nursing back to health. Her name is Maui, but she's ran away since two days ago.
Through the grape vine I found out that my oldest daugher is getting married April 2nd. The reason I didn't get an invitation.... I am 'trouble' .....as in apostate. I am not welcome nor to be there.
Tomorrow Feb 20'th it's my birthday, but my loved ones will not be with me.
Somebody say something nice to me? LOL