I want to get one today, anyone know a good brand name and model to get. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance. Barry
Plasma TVs
by barry 15 Replies latest jw friends
We just bought a Panasonic Plasma and love it!
Have You Seen My Mother
I have had a Mitsubishi Plasma for two years. I love it.
Can Jehovah's Witnesses properly own PLASMA tv's or are they only allowed fractions of the whole plasma TV?
Can Jehovah's Witnesses properly own PLASMA tv's or are they only allowed fractions of the whole plasma TV?
LMAO................ as long as it's your TV and not connected to a circuit breaker, I think it's ok!!!!! mac
Big Tex
Wow serendipity! We just bought (gulp) a plasma about 2 hours ago. We bought a Panasonic TH-42PD25U/P (42 inch) plasma
Anyway, I did some research before buying. Here is a great link to quite a lot of helpful information regarding the best value plasma, as well as comparison and ratings of each model:
If you look around the site, it is also very helpful that they explain the differences between LCD and plasma. (Don't go above 32 inches on LCD - the picture tends to freeze frequently).
Hope this helps
G Money
I have a 43" Pioneer. Mine cost a little over $5,000 which I had drop shipped from New york. The same thing in Circuit city a mile away was $8,000.00. I've had mine for 2 years now. They are all different. Some are low priced but not much better then tubed TVs. Get one that is HDTV ready with an HDTV tuner. Some brands you've never heard of will have crappy pictures. You'll want to compare resolutions as well. viewing distance is a factor on size. While I wanted to get a 52" and have a huge TV, the reality was that the optimal viewing area wouldn't be consistent with where the screen was going to be.
For best results viewing movies, get a progressive scan DVD player. -
Thanks very much for youre replys and comments Big Tex thanks for that site. We didnt actually buy today but started at a place called Woden in Canberra had breakfast there and started looking, so many brands and prices. We saw one Chinese built one real cheap with a nasty picture but many good ones. Barry
You can also look at DLP's. They are still thin but don't hang on the wall but much cheaper.
We just got a 37 In Panasonic TH-37PD25U/P for our bedroom. Varooooom. It rocks. It was quite a project installing it though.