I felt much the same about 5 years ago. Much of your inner turmoil is the result of deeply entrenched premises about the collection of writing we call the Bible. Another large issue is the idea that there exists someone to divinely interpret that collection of writings. Hate me now but do yourself a huge favor and begin considering these premises.
10 Longstanding Problems that I have with the WT Society: A Summary
by Bluegrass Tom 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Very well done, Tom.
I will address one issue and add two more for you to consider.
Jesus speaks of the difference of a faithful servant and one who does not remain faithful in at least 3 chapters of the Gospels.
They are as follows:
Matthew 18
Matthew 24
Mark 12
All this is a comparison between a faithful Christian and a Christian who does not remain faithful. Nothing more, nothing less.
I suggest you read John 14:6
Where does the WTBTS and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses fit into this scripture that details God's provision for everlasting life?
Here are the issues that I would like to present to you.
Get a copy of the NWT 1961 edition and another of the latest edition and read Hebrews 1:1-6 in both editions. You will immediately notice the position that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has relegated Jesus to in the latest edition.
You mentioned 1914 and 1975. However, the so called Faithful Discreet Slave namely the human leaders of the WTBTS and its affiliated religious organisations also emphatically said the same things about 1874 and 1925.
I am labeled an apostate by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses because I dared challenge them to present either bible chronological records and/or secular records to support their 607 BCE date for the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebochadnezzar II. The Babylonian Cylinders in the British Museum of Natural History and the Assyrian Astronomical records both testify that the correct date for the destruction of Jerusalem was 586/587 BCE. The astronomical record is not necessarily a secular record as we all know that the creator of the universe set these heavenly bodies in motion and dates can accurately be determined in many cases down to the exact hour with astronomical records.
Getting back to the apostacy I was accused of and the subsequent death sentece imposed on me by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, I refute their self-exalted claim as being the Faithful Discreet Slave of Matthew 24.
Furthermore, with their failed prophecies of 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975 I appeal to Deuteronomy 18:20-22 as a witness that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are false prophets and unless they repent and turn to the saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, and immediately dissolve their blasphemous organisation that has stood between mankind and Jesus and committed so many atrocities in the name of God their demise is certain to be visited upon them and all those who faithfully support them.
Well written, concise, logical, and powerful in its simplicity. I would recommend tightening the perspective a bit.
AK - Jeff
I think you hit several 'nails on the head' here. I had nearly identical thoughts just a year or so back, when we started the 'fade'. I still do, but have enlarged them to include a deliberate attempt to mislead me and you, and 6 million others. Wifey and I also left nearly 50 years of exclusive association behind us. I know right where you are, keep pressing ahead.
There is no way that the leaders in Brooklyn are unaware of what you state here, and much much more. This makes them culpable. There is no escaping that. Due to gaining that perspective, I have gone from viewing them as just ignorant and misdirected, to seeing them as malicious misinformants. And that misinformation has caused some to loose life itself in support or these doctrinal 'truths'.
Long story short - IF part of it ain't the truth, it all ain't the truth. Hence I reject all of the spoiled apple, and am trusting the Bible alone.
Just my opinion
Bluegrass Tom (aka Lone Ranger);
Check out the new book by Don Cameron (former elder) Captives of a Concept. That should help you with the validity of the Big Boys at Bethel claiming to be the FDS.
blue grass t - u seem like u have an agenda - not questions - like your whole outpouring of questions = a witness to witnesses - if i am right then i feel for u - dishonesty begets dishonesty
ahem - the following comes from another bluegrass post on this site - note the use of "they" and "their" - pathetic -
"I think that they will put the internet and computer use in the same category as "R" rated movies. If you surf the internet, you can't be used as a MS, Elder or Pioneer. If they ban internet useage all together, they will call too much attention to it and people will start looking at it, who normally don't. They will tell the parents to watch the kids, etc.
The idea of the greater number cooling off is vague. Nobody knows exactly what Jesus ment. If they start that, it could become another 1914 for them. They have to stay out of that stuff. There is too much potential for it to blow-up in their faces. People are getting too smart for this kind of stuff.
Let's face it the Jig is up. We will all see how it unfolds." -
Great analysis, Bluegrass Tom!
A point that captured my attention:
According to the WT Society, the world and everything associated with it has gotten worse as time passes. This must mean that College is worse today than it was years ago, but is now okay to attend?
Thanks for your summary and welcome to the journey of real life!
Best regards,
homme perdu
you are wrong about college the WT still insist that it is a waste of time