I have a 25y/o coworker who seems to fit the typical mold of a JW: Born in 25 years ago. Father is an elder. Cant think for self. Very smart but uneducated. Arrogant yet no self confidance. For some stupid reason I want to take this person under my wing and get them to "see the light". Not bring them to my (or any) religion, just help them to think for themselves. How would someone get started in this venture? (Yes I know, I'm an idiot)
How do you deprogram a JDub? Is it even possable?
by MarkAnthony 19 Replies latest jw friends
1. Allow him the freedom to think for himself.
2. If even after your best efforts, he still choses the society, celebrate his freedom to make up his own mind.
3. Start asking his opinion on things. If he offers you literature, toss it aside and tell him you are more interested in HIS thoughts.
4. If he starts talking WT speak, ignore it, do not address it. Instead, bring him back to REALITY by reminding him about his core self. i.e. "Comeawwn, Vern, you KNOW that football season is just around the corner...." or however else men talk to each other. I am a bit fuzzy on this part.
5. Reward him with a compliment every time he comes up with an original thought.
6. Be a genuine friend.
7. Invite him out after work on study nights to a movie or whatever.
8. Right after a night of fun, remind him that he is a righteous dude. Give him examples of good things he has done. (I find that JW's sometimes knee-jerk back in to the society in a fit of guilt after indulging in a bit of fun).
9. If he expresses doubts, ask him why. Help him articulate his own, genuine thoughts. Verify that these thoughts and feelings are genuine, not to be ignored.
10. If he ever does decide to strike out from the society, your job is only half done. He needs a replacement. Be ready with suggestions.
Overall, don't try and shove him in to the right direction, this only triggers a defensive response. The fastest way out, I have found, is with gentle nudges. We are talking years, here, not weeks.
I have thought, if I am ever pushed in to a corner, to bring up the UN fiasco. This does have shock value. I have not had the occassion to use it, though, I don't want to waste it. I think if I tried it on a loyal JW, they would just shut down and ignore it, and then ignore me. Forever.
MarkAnthony, you wrote:
smart but uneducated. Arrogant yet no self confidance. For some stupid reason I want to take this person under my wing and get them to "see the light". Not bring them to my (or any) religion, just help them to think for themselves.
I like your spirit, your sense of givingness. However, I'm not sure any deprogramming is possible unless the brainwashed cult member chooses to become deprogrammed. It would be nice if these people could think for themselves, I agree. It would be nice if people could all think for themselves, seeing that we come into this world with a gift of free will.
The best thing is to become a friend to them, and at the strategic time, ask them a question that leads them to think on their own. If there is just the two of you, you would wait for them and watch them struggle with your question, until they come up with an answer. I know from being a brainwashed cult member at one time, thinking on their own takes practice, something they are not accustomed to till now.
What kind of questions would enable a brainwashed person to begin the process? Perhaps others here on the forum will be able to help with that. For myself, I came to a point where I realized that my life wasn't working, and sought therapy. The therapist got me to examine my life. She reasoned with me after I told her the things in my life that led me to problems.
Sooo ... Perhaps with your new work associate, he too has problems to contend with. When he begins to confide in you, you might be able to ask him questions to enable his thinking process to kick in...
I realize the process is a lot more than simply that ... however, it is a start.
Good Luck!
What kind of questions would enable a brainwashed person to begin the process? Thats good......anyone have any ideas??????
I'm still working on deprograming myself, sometimes I'll catch myself in an act of loyaty to the GB. I really thinks you can only plant the seeds and be a true friend. Dubness is reality to a dub. Saying that its an evil cult is the same as saying the sky is yellow with pink paislies. Deprogramming is a slow process that has to come from the inside. I also think you gotta want it to happen, like a crack addict has too want help.
I'm still working on deprograming myself, sometimes I'll catch myself in an act of loyaty to the GB.
It took me a while to deprogramme myself, and I have to say that I haven't fully done it. It might take another 14 years to be completely mentally free, especially regarding one's thought processes.
I am still deprogramming myself also - this site helps me a lot -some great people on it
Some general suggestions for deprogramming can be found in Steven Hassan's books:
I would recommend reading his books, getting used copies if possible.
Show him how your religion and all your core beliefs are all wrong and he may see his own error.
First of YOU need to KNOW forward and backwards what the JW's REALLY believe. This is not the same as what your average JW will tell you that they believe. For starters, stick around JWD and read the archives here. There is lots of info to be gained. Then you might want to check out these web pages:
Jehovah's Witnesses: A Critical Analysis
A Bible Study Outline
These two contain many links to important information regarding the Watchtower Society.
NewLight2's Links Page
Johannes Greber's Home Page
Here is one that deals with Mind Control and Cults
Mind Control - The BITE Model