Describe Yourself Without Being Revealing.

by Golf 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • holly

    i get mistaken for Britney Spears, except for Im good looking, dont smoke and I go out wearing clothes

  • Golf

    Little Toe, NO, but you gave something to think about, thanks.

    Prophecor, how long did it take you to think that up? You did one hell of a mental exercise if its original. Good job.

    Peppermint, yeah, we gotta believe in something even if it means making our own gods. Thanks

    Flyhighnow, wow, you mean the color of red opened you up? That was an interesting piece of info you shared with us. Thanks very much.

    I'm a professional golf teacher (the sissy game) and when I teach I don't provide the answers to the learners, they do. I make them think and use their imagination (not their opinion) in short, I teach them to teach themselves. I've written a golf book )1996) with illustrations,left and right handed golfers, its ALL about the basics. Most golf teachers bombard you with all types of information and you end up being confused. My years of experience in competitive golf along with teaching and assembling clubs together has given a big edge.

    Like others who LOVE to do other things I'm with them. So, when I read their posts it gives me a high and that's why I ask questions of this nature. You learn and you 'feel' the love growing inside of you at the same time.


  • Insomniac

    I'm really, really shy. At parties, someone always tries to get me out of my shell, but honestly, I do prefer to sit back and watch everybody else.

    I had a very deprived childhood. As a result, I'm now selfish to the core. Wish it wasn't so, but there it is.

    For some reason, I hate being touched, and it takes a conscious effort on my part to not pull away when someone shakes my hand or (shudder) hugs me. Fortunately, this feeling does not extend to my man- I spend as much time as possible within his arms.

    Even though I come across as a cold fish, I have a lot of love in my heart. I would sacrifice anything for the people I care about, even if they don't realize it.

  • LittleToe

    I'm sorry I hugged ya in Dallas. I didn't know...


  • whyamihere

    Ok I take back the Sissy game comment.....Gwad!

    I will say it is not Sissy ...........just boring. I have tried to play but my mind doesn't work that way. I hate waiting for others and I am a poor sport so if I mess up I want to throw the clubs at people kick and scream and walk off the course. I can't play golf and I have tried. It's not for me I hate a slow pace games.


  • Golf

    Greetings whyamihere, boring, yes to some, I agree with you. Believe it or not golf NEVER interest me I was into baseball, all my waking hours was about baseball. I would spend hours on end at the field and play.

    My father-in-law one day asked me to drive him to the golf club. He wanted me to tag along, so I did reluctantly, this became habit but the 'carrot' at the end of the stick was having 'beers' with my father-in-law after the game. This became routine and the rest is history, OK? mind you, I wasn't a patient golfer. I've broken a set of clubs with no hestitation in my early days. Today I use golf clubs made back in 1959, I bought them in 1962 for $35.00 and I still use them! Now, do you have a chance? I can teach how to have fun, you wanna bet? My golf book teaches YOU how to have FUN. Enjoy the day.


  • Insomniac

    Little Toe, gosh don't be sorry! I'm trying to get past that feeling, and a big part of that is experiencing the fact that not all touch is bad. I guess in time, enough friendly hugs will help to smother memories of bad stuff that's happened in the past, so really, don't apologize for treating me like another human being.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Flyhighnow, wow, you mean the color of red opened you up? That was an interesting piece of info you shared with us. Thanks very much.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the info about my red icetrays.

    I add: I am always making people laugh. Andy, co workers, my boss and customers. It's nice to say something clever and see a big smile crack on someone's face: even better is when you hear them go into a hearty laugh.

    I feel like people have enough darkness in this world to deal with. I, most of the time, try to add a little light instead. I do that with kind smiles, genuine interest, soothing words, etc. Then sometimes the evil in me gets the best of me and I can't help it: I have to be smarta$$. Thank goodness that only happens once in a while and generally it happens because someone has done or said something stupid. Usually when I am being stupid, someone lets me know it, too. Life corrects us sometimes.

  • Golf

    That's good to know flyinghigh. Sometimes some folks get carried away on this forum and YOU can throw in some humor to break the ice. You probably agree with me, too many people think too seriously of themselves and they ruin the day for others.

    My wife like you is an upbeat person. I'm glad to know there's people like you around, we need more.

    Julia Roberts I believe plays in that movie, (The Lady In Red) a hooker, I think with Richard Gere. Try the video store.

    Keep up the good work.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Prophecor, I bet you're a Leo, to boot! Don't forget Protective, Chivalrous, Gentleman

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