How to stay AWAKE! during the Watchtower study.
1.Loudly clear your throat every 4 or 5 minutes
2.Play footsy with the person sitting beside you or in front of you.
3. Put the latest copy of Playboy inside the Watchtower magazine during the study. Make sure you don't let anyone sitting beside you see it. YA RIGHT!
4.Eat at Taco Bell before the study.
5.Raise your hand to every question asked whether you know the answer or not. If called upon and are not sure, make something up.
6.Continually wink at the conductor.
7.Pick your nose and make pig noises.
8.Keep standing up and yelling AMEN!
9.Go to the bathroom every five minutes
10.Bring a YOYO.
11.Bring an Etcho-Sketch.
12.Bring a Laptop and read the posts on this site. Make sure you share what you read after the meeting.
13.Thirteen is an unlucky number, we will skip this one.
14.Dress exactly like Charles Taze Russell and keep exclaiming loudly that what is being taught are lies.
15.Dress like Joseph Rutherford and bring a thermos full of booze to the study.
16.Bring a jar full of wasps and let them loose during the study.
17.Bring a few live mice and let them loose during the study.
18.Bring some apostates and let them loose during the study.