Rent question

by NoLongerAjw 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoLongerAjw

    I have a Question was wondering if anyone knew the answer to...

    I rent month to month.. have been here 8 years... the person who owns the property came by last night to inform me and others that the rent has went up $70 and is to be added to March 1st payment.. what i am wondering is.... it seems that he should have gave us a months notice before it went into effect.. do you know if that is the law or not?... I live in Indiana if that helps...

    all answer appreciated..

    thank you

  • kwintestal

    Where we live we have a tenancy board that we can contact if we have questions such as that. Do you where you live? The standards where we live are 90 days for a rent increase, and the increase can only be a certain percentage.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Sorry to hear that! Nothing like an extra whack now and then to keep you on your toes.

    Unless you have a lease, I don't think there is any obligation on his part. There may be laws stipulating the percent of increase he can demand in a given month, but I doubt it. You might check with a local realtor for details about the laws in your area.


  • under74

    mmm.... look up your city or town and the renters rights for it. In most places they have to give you notice before uping the rent (and they usually have to put it in writing) but every place differs. From what you say though it doesn't sound right.

    Sometimes in the lease you sign it will have a listing of what the landlord can do--if you have a copy of lease, I'd look it over. But again every city/town/county usually has a bill of renters/leasers rights and usually someplace you can call if you're haveing a problem.

  • NoLongerAjw

    Thank you for the quick replys.. i will check into everything you all have told me thank you!!!

    we do not have a lease soooo we maybe out of luck there... i wouldnt mind the increase to bad if i had a month to prepare.. when you are on a tight budget it is hard to just come up with 70 bucks in 8 days. thats whay i was wondering if he was supposed to give us notice before hand.. they have always done that before... mail a letter saying it would be going up 5 bucks in two months.. but has never been more then that.. $70 is like a slap in the face.. lol

    thanks again.

  • AlmostAtheist

    If it will truly be a hardship, perhaps your landlord will let you slide for one month? Or let you spread the first $70 over a few future payments?

    The guy's got bills to pay too, so he'll probably understand how 8 days notice might not be enough to come up with a significant increase.

    (But look into your legal options, too, of course.)


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    I am in Indiana - rural Indiana. I know of no law against what he did - but I think you should check the options mentioned above.

    Seems like $70 is pretty significant increase - was there a change in owners? I know that if you have a lease [and I wonder if 8 years in the same place does not qualify somehow as an 'assumed lease'] there is a requirement that terms of the lease cannot be changed for so long in the case of ownership changes.

    Seems like a quick call to the county courthouse or city hall would put you in touch with the right person in your area to resolve rent issues.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    In our state, Texas, I believe that when a lease goes month to month, unless one of the parties has given 30 days' notice, the stipulations of the original agreement must be met month to month. I would check if you have a tenants' council, or administration for your state.


  • cab1000

    I live in Indiana, and I rent a building for my business. Our Lease indicates that there will be a yearly increase, the pecentage is based on the cost of living index. Maybe you could ask for a lease from your landlord. Surely you signed one when you first rented. Seems like he/she has the upper hand, you may have to pay on his terms.

  • G Money
    G Money

    Ok, what state are you in? You have a basic month to month tenancy. Sure, in theory, he should give you at least 30 days notice or more if proscrbed by statute but if you push the issue, he may get pissed and raise it $80 in 30 days. Why not call him and ask if it can start in 30 days?

    If you are getting a killer deal or paying below market rent then shame on you. If it is the case, prepare and save so that if you are forced to pay market rent your next home won't be the box from a washing machine. $80 doesn't seem like that much but where I am studios go for $1,000 per month and homes in the ghetto (no drive bys or ghetto folks u see in movies) are near $1,000,000.00.

    But maybe you are in Nigeria or a 3rd world country or Appalachia or the mid west or just have a humble home in a small town.

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