I know James Bond. You sir, are no James Bond.
"Name Posters Who Stand Out For No Reason"
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
I really need to stop using a cloaking device, don't I?
Standing up or laying down my favourite posters are:
- Blondie
- Gumby
- minimus
- badger
and a whole lot more. whom shall remain nameless at this particular time...you know who you are???
love Orangefatcat
(under74) I know brummie and fairchild mentioned me on the other list but they didn't say why.
I think both of them are great though.....*giggle*My apologies, under73, uh 74, I accidentally put your name in the wrong thread, I meant to put it here. *giggles some more*
I know James Bond. You sir, are no James Bond.
It's a common occurrence that I lol from reading anything that minimus posts. You're too funny mini. I just read this and lol and my son asked...mom, what's funny? "Oh, honey, mini is funny" (a puzzled look on my son's face)
btw Orangefatcat I like your avatar. AA said that you've used it before, but he's been on longer than I have and I don't think I've seen it yet. I like it the best out of all them so far.
Well, I just wonder what would happen if someone made a thread asking people to name posters they don't like. Maybe a lot of the people who get left off the popularity threads would find their names. Maybe someone should do a: Who is the meanest, nastiest poster? thread.
Who is the meanest, nastiest poster? thread
fhn...what in the h@@ are YOU talking about. I mean you have SOME nerve...
ok, ok...I can't go on. But will that be enough for the "mean" poster? (I've got to be popular SOMEWHERE)
(I've got to be popular SOMEWHERE)
Yeah, that cute little froggie on this board. Yeah, in reality that frog has saber teeth. You should change your name to Saber Tooth Frog.
Frog, I'm a riot in person. As Sally Field said, "You REALLY Really like me...."
As Sally Field said, "You REALLY Really like me...."
Ah Crap min. That's what i was gonna say if I ever got put on one of these threads.
Dagnabit now I gotta think o sumthin else EH? Well maybe not.