If You Were the Casting Director...

by Swan 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    If they made a movie about your life among the Jehovah's Witnesses, and you were the casting director for the movie and money was no object, who would you cast as the members of your congregation; your elders; their wives; the circuit overseer; yourself? Remember, this is a fantasy, so you can have anyone in your cast, alive or dead.

    I think Robert deNiro could play a very good circuit overseer.

    I always thought Ted Knight would make a good elder, especially the one I am thinking of who always put his foot in his mouth on stage.

    I haven't thought of who should play me.

    How about you?

  • Poztate
    I always thought Ted Knight would make a good elder, especially the one I am thinking of who always put his foot in his mouth on stage.

    Never mind a good elder...He is GB material.I still remember the episode where Ted could not walk,Talk amd chew gum at the same time.

    It is so like the GB. I might be a little wrong about the details of the show so if you want to correct me go ahead.

  • FMZ

    I always thought Ted Knight would make a good elder

    There was an elder in our cong called Ted Knight... lol


  • freedom96

    Jon Voight would make a good elder or circuit overseer.

  • Elsewhere

    Andy Kaufman could play me!!!

  • Dustin

    I want to be played by "The Rock". I want to be all muscular and stuff. I want this story of my life as a JW to be all about fantasy. I want to be a total player. I can hook up with a hot sister played by Selma Hayek. Then we get disfellowshipped for having sex before marriage. It would also be found out that I was having an affair with the CO's wife. She can be played by Jennifer Lopez. That would be my movie.


  • czarofmischief

    Me played by Doug Bradley in full Pinhead regalia - and it would be a musical revolving around being cast out of "Heaven" and my JC would be played by the three judges from American Idol.


  • Golf

    Swan, mind you, this is what I would do. I have them as cartoon characters and have all the voices that have been posted on this site. Since it will be a joke, I want to laugh about it! Now, who would the cartoon characters be?

  • wednesday

    Me played by Sally Field, ala her Norma Rae movie. sister abused and exposing their arse


  • Swan
    Swan, mind you, this is what I would do. I have them as cartoon characters and have all the voices that have been posted on this site. Since it will be a joke, I want to laugh about it! Now, who would the cartoon characters be?

    Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, and Homer Simpson as the Judicial Committee?


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