Blood Products - A poll

by Kismet 10 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Kismet

    Wow an opportunity to start the first thread in a new forum!!! I couldn't resist!

    Keeping on topic however, I am wondering what your stance is on blood?

    Would you accept blood, why or why not?
    How about blood fractions? Any reason why or why not?
    Do you still carry your blood card? Why or why not?

    I'll stop there. Looking forward to your comments


  • Cowboy

    Good question,Kismet.I have often wondered what others thoughts are on this subject.I often wondered,too,what I would do.

    That question answered itself for me,though.Our twins were born prematurely-my son weighing only one and a half pounds.For all that he was doing very well,until about five days of age-then the doctors told us his tiny body couldn't produce all the blood it needed,and he needed a transfusion.I didn't have to think twice.

    He had the transfusion and suffered no ill effects at all.He is a very healthy happy little boy.If I had still been a JW,I think I still would have done the same thing,but,who knows?

    To answer your questions then-Yes,I would accept blood or blood fractions,and no,I took my card out of my wallet when I got home that night,and put it where it belongs-in the garbage.


  • Kismet

    Thanks for your reply Cowboy. Given the circumstances I can fully understand.

    personally I am still wary of blood. I actually have kept all my blood cards from over the years but none of them are in my wallet...just in case..

    I think in an emergency I would likely take blood. A non emergency? I might store my own first or ask for non-blood alternatives.

    I believe blood can oft be used to cover messy surgical techniques and don't like the immune suppressants often required due to blood therapies.

    Nice to be rid of the religious crap behind this decision now tho!!


  • Cowboy

    Kismet-good points.I agree that given the opprotunity,storing ones own blood would be ideal,and if health care pros think substitutes are a viable alternative,I would opt for them as well

    I,too,am a little wary of the safety of the blood supply,but when there are no alternatives,I wouldn't hesitate.

    I wonder how many who consider themselves Witnesses would make the same choice?How many would,only if they thought the org. wouldn't find out?



  • Prisca

    Good questions, Kismet.

    I have come to the conclusion that I would accept blood in an emergency situation, if nothing better was available. In non-emergency situations, I would prefer to have some of my blood stored for use if necessary.

    The same goes for blood fractions.

    I used to have my blood card hidden in the back of my wallet for about 18 months, and then I decided that if I was in an accident, I would not want to make it seem that (a) I was an active witness, and (b) that I would refuse blood under any circumstance, as that is no longer my wish. So a short while ago I took it out of my wallet and tore it up into tiny strips. I had a funny feeling when I was doing it, but I also felt it was a necessary step towards breaking the chains that once shackled me to the WTS.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    When I see how blood has saved the lives of many people I love I would have no hesitation in receiving it myself. Even when I was a JW I doubt whether I would have let any of my children die due the blood doctrine. My children would have come before Jehovah - I once told an elder that I valued my children more than God and he was horrified.

    My blood card went up in smoke in a very large bonfire with masses of JW literature, one week after I da'd. (I still keep the CD rom for reference but could not bear to have their books in the house!)

    By the way, at the end of the month I am going to donate blood for the first time - just doing my little bit to help out. I once asked an elder if I could give blood as JWs were allowed to accept blood fractions. Guess what the answer was? NO! That seemed so hypocritical to me and selfish, it was one of the reasons I left.

  • Tina


    For an elective medical procedure I prefer the autologous option. Emergency? I have no prob accepting blood.
    Blood card? First thing I got rid of,as I was well aware how stupid the wts blood policy was/is whilst still in. Tina

  • TD
    Would you accept blood, why or why not?

    Red cells, platelets or plasma in an emergency. For scheduled surgery, I would prefer to go bloodless if at all possible.

    How about blood fractions? Any reason why or why not?

    No problem with fractions. In one form or another most people have accepted one or more blood fraction even though they don't realize it.

    Do you still carry your blood card? Why or why not?

    I carry a "blood card." It lists my name, my blood type, and my donor ID. On the back is a record of donations.


  • mommy

    Hey Kis
    I am a frequent donator of blood. I do it every 6 months, actually I was warned against donating, due to hypoglycemia(low blood sugar). But I am careful, and take precautions. There is no greater gift, then giving of yourself.

    I have seen blood save lives And I am a firm believer in giving of blood. Our body reproduces it, so no harm is in the person who donates. It is such a worthy cause, how could you not donate.

    As far as getting someone elses blood, of course! There are so many things carried in the red bllod cells that our body needs, especially in shock. That no alternative can provide. Success stories are just that, success. The odds of a transfusion helping are far greater that saline.

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • Tina

    I totally agree with your post. There are disorders diseases where there is just NO substitute for blood. I'm thinking of some of the aplastic anemias (like Negli's) that require packed rc's al. Anyway,just throwing in my dos centavos lol.luv ya,T

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