Bon giorno cari amici,
Volevo scrivere poche parole qui per farve sapere che era il mio grande piacere per la conoscienza di tanti molto gentile "Apostate" in basso citta di Toronto. Oh!…wait a minute!…wrong language and also butchered badly. I only went to second grade in Italy. Immigrated at the age of nine. Lets see….that would make it 20 years ago.(thanks for being so kind Kismet)
It was really great to put faces to some of the names on this board. Since Peter exposed my true identity on line (thank you Peter), I expected to arrive home last night only to find the Gestapo parked in front of my house.(wouldn't they get a surprise if they had. My family was originally from Reggio Calabria, a short ferry ride from Sicily) It was a pleasant surprise not seeing anyone. This is proof Simon that you are not considered a viable threat to them. Obviously they don't even bother to monitor your board. I am sure, had this been posted on H2O, it would have been different. What does everyone think we should do about this. WE SHOULD BE HEARD!.
I think that a good time was had by all and this probably will be the first of many other gatherings. I hope that other posters and lurkers on the board decide to join us next time.
Cignus! You have to be willing to travel a little further than the peace bridge next time. After all, Had Enough traveled much further than that. She didn't even drive in but took the Grey Rocket instead. Bravo! Had Enough.
The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that nobody objected to my bringing my ouija board with me. Actually everyone was quite enthusiastic about playing it. We were fortunate enough to concentrate and summon a few worthies from the past. We spoke with Abraham (Isaac couldn't make it. Had to wash the car or something to that affect) and he confirmed all of our suspicions. Rutherford was a nutbar! He said he had intended to come back in 1925 but was hoping the house would have been built in Buffalo not muggy California. We also spoke to Freddie's and You Know's ancestors. Guys, I hate to tell you this but they now know the TRUTH and it isn't in Brooklyn. They insisted that we tell you to get a clue.
The other thing that surprised me about you guys was the fact that you all excepted my little gift. I thought a kind gesture on my part to bring each of you a rosary and you all excepted gracefully. Now! Why the aggressive response to the lucky rabbit's foot? Go figure.
If you live within a 1000 mile radius of TO I will pick you up next time as long as you pay for the speeding tickets.
Had Enough,
I parked my car by a meter last night. The maximum time available was 3 hours. Since you guys love to gab, the meter had expired when I got back to my car and yet, I did not get tagged. This is proof that Jehovah's spirit was with us last night. Do you think that the boys in writing will use this in the next issue os Asleep? Wait a minute!...since I am still a nominal Catholic this would be highly unlikely. We all know how God feels about us horrible Catholics!
Until the next time: Arrivederci Canada.
Ps; I could not convince the group to partake of "The Dancing Girls" this time but they promised thatn we would do it next time. Had Enough insisted that we should also go and see "The Chip & Dales" (Joelbear & SF Jim are welcome to this event)