Watchtower, Russell, Freemasons and the Illuminati

by truth_about_the_truth 54 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Dear friends,

    Here is some intriguing info on the REAL history of the Watchtower organization and the hidden agenda and role that they play in relation to the New World Order. I've pasted an excerpt here which I find especially interesting. There's alot more where this came from if you go to this link This info may reveal the real reason why there is so much control, hypocrisy, confusion and disinformation within the WT society.

    For those of you who aren't familiar with the illuminati, they are the elite members of society in general that control all aspects of political, financial, social systems around the world. They have maintained a 'bloodline' for a very long time. Some of the families involved are the: Rothschilds, Hapsburgs, Rockefellers, Russells, name a few off the top of my head. "The DaVinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" make mention of this.

    Here is the excerpt


    The actions of the Governing Body in squelching any serious action against the high level Satanism secretly operating within the Jehovah's Witnesses shows what my (Be Wise A Serpents) book revealed, which is that very secret high level Satanism has long been controlling the Watchtower Society. One of these 2 eyewitnesses to Illuminati activities within the higher levels of the Watchtower Society realized that something is seriously wrong at the top, when the Watchtower leaders do not really care for those people in the congregations who are becoming the victims of SRA. One elder in good standing lost his position because he warned the Watchtower Society of satanic infiltration. It is obvious that the Watchtower organization is more interested in public relations than it is in having a clean organization. In examining the families that are involved with the Illuminati who use the Watchtower Society as a cover, we find a continuation of the same pattern as I noticed before: there is a large contingent of Scottish and a large Jewish bloodlines. For instance, one J.W. Illuminati family was the Udell family (Scottish name) who married Picketson Milliken (English maiden name with Jewish first husband).....

  • mkr32208

    Ooooooookkkaaayyy.... at the risk of offending this is foolishness this is why apostates are considered fruitcakes don't ya know! (why Heinz 57 is made by the illuminati)

    This stuff is insane! It's like brownhole's ramblings and ranting it's CRAZY!!!!

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Yes it is CRAZY.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as this craziness goes.

    Just remember this:

    All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed; then it is violently
    opposed; finally, it is accepted as self-evident.

    Since when has the real truth been socially accepted? Disinformation always prevailed in the public domain and the real info was viewed as being nutty, insane. Check your history books.

  • BeelzeDub

    Russell was never a Freemason.

    Can you provide any PROOF as to what you claim is truth?

  • undercover

    This story is more interesting:

    "Before the beginning, after the great war between heaven and hell, God created the earth and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man. And to each generation was born a creature of light and a creature of darkness.
    And great armies clashed by night in the ancient war between good and evil. There was magic then, nobility, and unimaginable cruelty. And so it was until the day that a false sun exploded over Trinity. And man forever traded away wonder for reason."

    "The final battle between Good and Evil is looming, and Ben Hawkins and Brother Justin are on a collision course that could determine the fate of the world."

    You can watch the End Times come upon us each Sunday night on HBO

  • link

    This is the sort of information that a good Watchtower troll might drop onto the board to discredit the "apostates" in the eyes of its waverers who come visiting .If this sort of stuff has to be presented here (and this is an open board) then IMHO it should be presented as fiction not "truth". I think we have all had enough of that sort of truth.


  • Peppermint

    I Agree with everything Link said.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    If you know anything about illuminati symbology. This would be all the proof that you need. Plus, read the info on that link.

    All of these science fiction tv shows, movies, video games are just that. FICTION. But...there is a shred of truth in each one which seems to follow a common theme. Try connecting the dots. There is a reason why there is so much of that kind of thing in addition to demonic, occultish material that is flooding the media like never before. Wait and you'll see...

    Before all you guys start throwing egg on my face and calling me a paranoid idiot, make sure you take an in depth look at the history of religion, banking, politics and look through the obvious facts. I dont believe in all of the bizzare theories out there but I do believe that there is something that is happening and has been happening on an unprecendented scale that is affecting every aspect of society, including religion.

    "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." - J Edgar HooverEdg

    Shun me if you wish for thinking outside the box.

    Hey, haven't we been through that before?

    Does this disfellowship me from the apostates for independant thinking? An apostate of the apostates?ooverJ. Edgar Hoover

    Edgar Hoover

  • Satanus


    As was already requested, prove that rusell was a freemason.


  • candidlynuts

    ugh....i dont doubt anything anymore.. all i wanna know is.. how do i get in on some money and power for myself.. being poor SUCKS!


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