Will the average age of Witnesses go up with time?

by JH 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront
    Can you really see the WTS lasting another 100 years?

    As PT Barnum said...there is a suck born every minute.

    I think they've only sustained the growth they've had up until to day only due to the momentum of growth in less developed countries along with growth in their general population.

    IN this age of information, even that's being eroded.

  • whyamihere

    Maybe the avg age will change...or maybe the Rules!


  • FairMind

    Yes, I believe the average age will go up. Not to change the topic but how do you imbed a portion of someone else’s post within your reply?

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Definitely - In my old congregation the vast majority are 60+, with many suffering from ill health and the usual ravages of age.


  • crownboy
    Yes, I believe the average age will go up. Not to change the topic but how do you imbed a portion of someone else?s post within your reply?

    First, you highlight the post you want to copy, right click and copy it. After that you paste the text to the post window (the 5th button from the left on the top row of icons. To the right of the "copy" button). After that, higlight the newly pasted text and hit the "quote" button (the last button to the far right on the top row of icons. The button to the right of the smily face). That ought to do it. As far as the topic goes, the average age will continue to go up if the JW's don't change their doctrines. However, I think that when the "old guard" at Bethel passes away, you'll probably see a loosening of rules and a more liberal religious atmosphere. It's either that or a slow death, and I think the JW's will choose compromise over death.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation
    Can you really see the WTS lasting another 100 years?

    Well when they had the old understanding of the generation then I'd have said no but as Brooke said they keep changing the rules!

    The society must have figures on the average age of the congs cos at every assembly there was at least one talk about how satan was snatching the young ones out of the congregations. So they have been worried there won't be any fresh blood to fuel the machine for a while now.

  • stillajwexelder

    It already is doing - a CO told me a few years ago - the WTBTS was an ageing organization - the average age is going up slightly year on year

  • David2002

    No, the Witnesses are a very diverse group. True, as the WT as mentioned, in most cases those disfellowshipped are the younger between the ages 15-35. However, the rate of tose returning is quite high, over 80%. A recent study by Kephart and Zellner reports that most young people who live the Witnesses return. And new ones coming are usually younger. In fact, meeting attendance in most of the world is basically by the younger generation, which is the group doing the most preaching. In fact, in some European countries, one of the main reaons that there is a lower number of publishers is due to the older brothers, not the younger ones. European congregations have a greater number of older brothers, those aged 75 and above. These are all considered to be faithful brothers and sisters. But the since the WT society counts the brothers that are only actively preaching, the growing number of "inactive" elderly brothers do not appear in the number of active publishers. I put inactive in quotes since many of the elderly brothers attend the KH meetings or have the meeting taped so that can listen to them at home.

  • David2002

    What 1975 failure??? Can you show me a WT publication that specificately stated that the end of the world will come in 1975??? No half quotes, no headlines that say nothing conclusive. Just a WT article that states that in 1975 the world will end. I haven't found one.

  • Honesty
    It already is going up.
    Go start you own thread, dub instead of trying to steal this one. Oh, you're just following the example of your GB leaders. Steal all they can.
    What 1975 failure??? Can you show me a WT publication that specificately stated that the end of the world will come in 1975??? No half quotes, no headlines that say nothing conclusive. Just a WT article that states that in 1975 the world will end. I haven't found one

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