I was thinking the other day, if I could choose to be an awesomely gifted basketball player, or an awesomely gifted singer/guitar player; which would it be? In the end I decided I'd rather be a rock star. Better parties, and definitely more of a bad boy image. It seems the rock stars always get the hotter girls too. It's also expected for you to get into trouble, so the better the party the more respect you get. What do you guys think, Rock or Jock?
Would you rather be a sports star or a rock star?
by Dustin 59 Replies latest jw friends
I'd go for the rock star too. Too much work/dedication involved in being a sports star. You just have to look good and sound good to be a rock star. Half the time someone else writes the songs for them anyway.
I would have to be a Rock Star as well Dustin. Think about it what girls are hot playing sports? Can anyone say Golf? I want to be a Hot girl not a Jock Girl!
Good call so far. It's funny cause I always wanted to be a sports star when I was a kid, now all I want to do is rip it up singing.
Well, since we're dreaming.....I'd rather just inherit a kabazillion dollars. That way I don't have to work, money attracts hotties as much as fame and I can throw whatever party I want. I won't be famous so I don't have to worry about the mags/rags and papparazzi. I won't be a jock so I don't have to worry about always training and practicing.
In the words of Arthur Bach: I race cars, play tennis, and fondle women, but I have weekends off, and I am my own boss.
If I were a rock star I would dream about pitching for the Red Sox.
i'd rather be a rock star, i prefer music to sport. it must be great to win a lot of money just doing what you like : music!!
Good call Clementine. I hope someday I make real money at playing in a rock band. What cooler thing than to make money doing what you love.
Yeh - rock star sounds easier to me. Also, the careers of rock stars can be longer - look at people like Tom Jones, Dolly Parton, Sting, Mick Jagger, Ossie Osborne - they are all clocking on a bit. The trick as a rock star is not to die too young of alcohol or drug abuse.
Eyeslice -
Well after my stint with the deftones I'd denintly say rock star. :P
naw but seriously folks if I'd not been a dub, I'da probably started a rock band, become regionally successful with my mediocre gitar skills, and then asked to play rhythm by a worldwide successful/mediocre band like linkin park or sumthin. What? What?
As the emperor says "I have forseeen it."