She needs to go to the local papers with this. She has a good chance to spike them. What the heck, they are shunning her anyway.
Elders disfellowship my cousin
by YellowLab 40 Replies latest jw friends
Hi "yellow Lab" I have to agree, what a bunch of shi*********** Cause its me, your cuz here talking! Thanks for turning me on to this site! The newest news is that when I prayed, this is what Jehovah had in store for me, I cant be left unpunished, cause it wouldnt be fair to the rest of the congregation!!!!!!!!!
What a bunch of low life scum of the earth bastards those elders are
hugs to your cousin.
Hi all! Im the cousin everyone is talking about! And thanks cuz for puting this up. I know who my real family is. Just reading through the comments I thought I should make a few more. I'm not disfellowshipped yet, that comes next thurday. But all else is right. I prayed to Jah for medical reasons and asked for his help. In my prayer I said I would go back to the meetings if he would help me. The next day they knocked on my door, so I let them in. They ask what my situation was, so I was honest with them and told them. When they brought the CO over, I just about dropped dead. 15 years and not one meeting, and he is telling me that there will be some type of disapline. He encouraged me to go to the meeting that thursday so I did. And to be honest, it felt great to go. I was so first. I knew the committee meeting was on sunday, but never in my wildest dreams did I think they would dis me. I was told be several witness that I had nothing to worry about. Probably just a private reproof. NOT!!!!!!!! I cried so hard I think I flooded the kh! I even asked them that I thought when you have been inactive for so long, they just consider you worldly. They said yes, to a point! But they could not allow me to go to the meeting and associate with everyone because I am a baptised witness, and living in sin. I was baptised when I was 13 for god sake! Disfellowshiped at 18- re-instated at 23. Only went to the meetings for six months, and the rest you know.
Cindy- the main topic!
Hello cindykp. I hope that my earlier post was not seen as negative toward you. I am so glad that you posted your story first hand.
I cried so hard I think I flooded the kh
It is so ridiculous to think that they spend all their Sundays trying to talk to people who do not want to know, but they d/f someone who wants to come along. If I believed any part of the doctrines, I would ask what Jehovah must think of that!. Bunch of Pharisees!
or better put by Calamity Jane
What a bunch of low life scum of the earth bastards those elders are
Rules are all important. Only those who attended on a regular basis are shown any mercy at all.
Not offended at all
I really thought they would at the most, Publicly reprove me, and give me some time to quit smoking and get married. They new I was already trying to quit. And My fiance, whom is not a witness, was willing to go get a marraige licience and get married right away. He went to the meeting with me that Sunday, boy, talk about a disapointment for him huh? First time there, and definately the last!
I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Total bullshit double standards. The reason I left in the first place was because me and my wife were treated like crap, I was reproved for getting drunk once over a year prior to when they talked to me about it. It just makes me angry thinking about it.
Im so glad my cuz gave me this link, boy, sometimes you feel so alone, and no one can understand what your going through. It's nice to know there are so many people out there going through the same thing. One guy I talked to was right, it would be nice to be with an ex jw.
Alot in common!
Man, I wish we could sue all these b******s individually for this type of crap. What in the h*** were they thinking? Draw her back so that we can beat her for something that has been happening for the past 20 years. Slap her around for making an effort to do what they want and cut her off from her family at the same time. That'll teach her for having a happy life instead of crawling off in a hole and dying after leaving the witnesses. These witch hunts really p*** me off. Elders like that need to just disappear. Edited to add: * permanently *.