In life, how do you walk?

by Tigerman 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    I say walk in this world with an open heart and a open mind!

    Be happy be true and most of all LOVE!


  • Tigerman

    I guess what I'm trying to key in on here is manners; in showing respect for others, others respect us.

  • whyamihere

    Do on to others as you want them to do on to you!


  • whyamihere

    Everyday I smile at people hold doors for others. Say have a "Fantastic Day" or a "Great Day"! At a store if I have more items and not in a hurry and I see someone getting a few things I let them go ahead of me. I think by doing small things will make people feel good and get them to think and want to do the same for others!


  • whyamihere

    My 3 year old says "Thank you" and "Please" more than any other words...I likt to think its because How I treat others she learns from me!


  • adelmaal

    I do not just walk through life. I try to be actively involved. If I see someone letting go of a shopping cart, which is heading in the direction of a parked vehicle not only do I stop the cart from hitting the parked vehicle but I also let the person who carelessly let go of the cart know they should park their cart rather than just letting it hit someone else's car. If I see a fight break out or someone being taken advantage of I get involved. I will throw a bottle if I have to in order to get people's attention and put a stop to the injustice. If I hear a scream I do not ignore it; I run outside to see that everything is ok. If I see that someone is not paying attention and his/her child is standing up in the front seat of a shopping cart about to fall out of it I will bring it to their attention. I feel we should treat others as we want to be treated but we also need to go that extra step when we are walking through life. We need to treat others with dignity and respect and at the same time I have no problem telling someone who cuts in line to kindly step out and go to the end. I expect myself and others around me to be treated with that same respect in return.

  • whyamihere

    I agree with you adelmaal .

    I to do not ignore things. Speaking out and make people think!


  • xenawarrior
  • whyamihere

    Thats Funny Xena!


  • HadEnuf

    The hubby and I actually treat people better and with more respect than we did while JW's. Now we can make our own judgments about people without following those absurd JW rules & regulations. In making our own judgments, we try to look at the good in people and we have found that the so called "worldly" people are more loving, open-minded (duh, are there any people more close-minded than the JW's?), friendlier and less judgmental than JW's.

    Leaving the org. has opened up our hearts that had been slowly closing down over the years we were involved. As to how people perceive ME...well I like the saying: "What other people think of me is none of my business"!

    Cathy L.

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