Hi all!
I am home today and tomorrow per doctor's orders and I was shocked that of all days, today two JWs knocked at my door for the first time in almost 4 years. They will be back on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
To you all here, both non and ex JWs, and to any lurking JWs, I ask the question... what is the difference between a servant of Jehovah and a disciple of Christ, if any at all?
Meanwhile I will be searching my new WT cd to see what the answer to the the question would be from the WTS INC. of NY,USA, and preparing what to give to the two JWs who will come back. Because if I have noticed anything inparticular of JWs on the internet, they don't give the same answers that their fellow human "faithful and discreet slave" would give to questions. Which leads me to believe that the the WTS's followers never actually absorb or are not paying attention to what their human leaders teach them. Which is probably why their human leaders tell them to direct others to the organization right from initial contact with outsiders and/or householders because JWs MAY BE ABLE TO LOCATE SCRIPTURES and explain fundemental JW doctrine, but that's about it. And that EVWERYTHING THE JWS HAVE LEARNED HAS BEEN FROM THE ORGANIZATION, not the BIBLE. The JWs at my door did just that by never opening up the Bible that I could see int her book bag, but opening a Watchtower brochure instead. This makes a big difference from when the WTS INC discribed it own followers as BIBLE CHAMPIONS, back in the 70s or 80s.