The Witnesses know how to getcha to "do more". Guilt is their main weapon. If you feel guilty over something no one might ever know about, the Watchtower Society has seen to it that even whatever you might have thought of or done in secret will be revealed.......Were you ever guilty of a secret sin?? Did you confess it?????
Were YOU Guilty Of A "Secret Sin"?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
Yes I did with mine.....They made me feel guilty about it. As a normal person would say that's life! I am still getting over alot of things I just wished the guilt would go away faster!
Yes. Really, who isn't? However, there was no way I was gonna tell anyone! Not even the peanut gallery here
I'm learning... sometimes slowly
The Society went after masturbaters. The elders were "encouraged" to fish out any with these "secret sins" that could be stifling the "free flow of the spirit".
masturbation as a secret sin. How I remember that. I remember the first time I made MS. They asked if I knew of any reason why couldn't serve as a MS and I immediately thought of how much I masturbated and looked at porn. Of course I said, "no" and they made me a MS.
there was a lot of guilt around it. For awhile I felt like I was a terrible person and not good enough for Jehovah. Somewhere along the line though I gave up feeling so guilty about it. I figured if the holy spirit allowed the GB to appoint me then I must not be all that bad. It wasn't till later that I figured out the holy spirit helping the GB makes decisions was a bunch of BS.
How can sin be secret anyway? Doesn't God see all, know all? If you sin, he knows it. Just because your elders don't know it doesn't mean shit. The whole "secret sin" thing was another way to manipulate, control and extort us.
Undercover, I'm glad you got a handle on it.
Undercover, I'm glad you got a handle on it.
LOL yep, it's all good.
I agree "secret sin" is just another way the elders exert control on you, if god sees all and you sin then repent, then why bring it up? It's between you and god and if he forgives you then the elders and congregation should respect that, after all it is to god that you owe respect & humility not the cong.
I have always masterbated and always will and I have never felt guilty for it, dispite what I was taught.
new light
I smoked pot everyday when trying to get reinstated. I was high during the elders meeting they decided to let me back in and continued to smoke daily for another 6 months before taking a break. Good times.
zen nudist
masturbation was a topic I fought in my head for many years as a JW.... I could not see, on the one hand how it could really
be a big deal sin, because the bible was completely silent about it... and the FACT that some of the ancient worthies like Judah could visit prostitutes without divine retribution seemed to be justification for it being not so bad...
also it seemed odd that in the O.T. that a man could NOT commit adultry by having sex with an unmarried [unowned] female... and adultry was the only death penalty sin in the OT... so surely choking the chicken could not merit eternal damnation, right?
and then there was the lie about the average BORG UNIT not having to be debriefed al la catholic confessional style.