Sinners-Not even eating with such a man!

by cindykp 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cindykp

    1 Corinthians 5:11 "But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man."

    If we were not allowed to be spoken to after disfellowship, why doesnt this scripture clearly say "not even speaking with such a man"? There is a major difference between getting together and eating with sinners, than there is talking to them at the kingdom hall. Or where in the new world translation does it say to not speak to a person whom is disfellowshipped. For that matter, where is the word disfellowshipped even mentioned in the bible?

  • Jez

    I agree. For my view on the whole thing, click on this link to read my old thread about this topic.

    Welcome! From Jez

  • minimus

    This cult takes this scripture and grossly misapplies it. Speaking and communing are different. Besides, the scripture says not to talk to the antichrist or have him in your home---a far cry from JW d'fing!

  • cindykp

    Thanks Minumus, I agree with you so much. Been doing my homework lately, your talking about 2cond john? I read it today

  • gumby

    The scripture mentioned in 1st.Cor. had to do with a son who was doing his dads woman. He was playin nasty with his step mom! This sin is a far cry from smoking or many other sins ones are disfellowshipped for within the WTBTS.

    This scripture also says....."anyone who calls himself.....A BROTHER. Many who leave the cult no longer wish to be identified as "a brother" within the WTBTS......yet they still apply the scripture even though one tells them they want out.

    Jesus simply said....treat him as a tax collected after if he doesn't respond to you or another witness to the fact. As we know, Jesus himself spoke to and ate with tax collectors. Howdya think he payed his damn taxes? The apostle Paul was a woman hatin don't listen to him.


  • Golf

    Gumby question, did Jesus pay taxes? He was a miracle man.

  • Honesty
    This cult takes this scripture and grossly misapplies it. Speaking and communing are different. Besides, the scripture says not to talk to the antichrist or have him in your home---a far cry from JW d'fing!

    One of the antichrists has been accurately identified as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and it's religious arm, the Satanic Christian Congregation of Governing Body Jehovah's Witnesses. Any decree they spew forth like frogs out of their mouth should be taken with a grain of salt.

  • Cocoon

    Another point: It says, fornicator...greedy person...idolater...reviler...drunkard...extortioner. It says nothing about someone who expresses a different viewpoint. OK, they might justify this scripture by saying we "apostates" are revilers (by the way, is "apostate" even a real word in the English language?). However, a reviler (according to Weber's New World dictionary) is someone who says harsh or unkind things. Speaking the truth about something is not being harsh, nor is it being unkind! Yet many JWs are shunned for being honest about their feelings or beliefs. Seems the GB would prefer we stuff our feelings in and lie to our families and ourselves in order to remain faithfully "in the flock." How hypocritical is that? (Not to mention that telling a lie while going door to door should be considered a sin by the organization: "Hi, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses")? Oh really? Are you really a JW in your heart? I did this for nine years and never considered myself a JW. I was just coerced into telling this lie day in and day out.

    Another point, the scripture says nothing about abstaining from someone who is abusive or violent by nature, so I guess JWs feel justified in sitting (lovingly, I might add) next to some of these individuals every day in KH's, calling them "brother" and "sister." Where's the common sense in this religion?

  • gumby
    Gumby question, did Jesus pay taxes? He was a miracle man.

    Of course he did golf. Matt 17:24-27 says when they tried to trap Jesus concerning taxes.....he told Peter to go catch a fish and the fish would have in it's mouth Jesus tax money. Instead of a money tree......Jesus had a money fish

  • Golf

    Gumby, included he said, "Take that and give it to them for you and ME." Matt.17:27

    In my last letter to the GB some years ago. I brought this scripture to their attention, 1Cor. 5. I then referred to their 'All Inspired Scripture" publication to what 2 Cor. chapter two had to say. Interestingly, the time between these letters was about a month. Note what Paul said in 2 Cor. 2:6 "This rebuke given by the MAJORITY is sufficient for such a man, so that on the contrary now, YOU should kindly forgive and comfort (him), that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by being overly sad."

    OK, who 'rebuked' this man? Was it the elders or the 'majority?' He was welcomed back in a month's time! (Somebody can double check the info. in the AIS book) What is the length of time for reinstatement today?
    Paul wept over this young man, is that the 'attitude' of the elders today? Paul said in verse 10, "Anything YOU kindly forgive anyone, I do too." Is this practiced within the congregations?

    Paul's approach to this 'rebuke' differs greatly with the WTBTS! Do they follow scriptural procedures?

    They never answered my letter!

    Found it, its on page 213 and it says in the first par. "Not many months had passed since the writing of the first letter to the Corinthians."

    The time element 'still' differs with the org.'s. 'Not many months..."


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