My thoughts on hating the WTS.

by kwintestal 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    Hey Peph... I apologize if my post came across as a little insincere.

    In saying that my statement was neither right nor wrong, I was attempting to answer your question, with a little humor thrown in.

    In saying there is no right and no wrong, I do not mean that nothing is negative. There is love and no love. My statements are made in love.

    For one person, what I say may ring as true and good and may lead them to love, for another, it may be the epitome of evil for whatever reason. We all have our own paths and our own truths, along with the universal truths, or laws, of love.

    I hope this clears the matter up a little... my statement is neither right or wrong, but it was made in love.


  • pepheuga


    am i to understand that the truth, or falsity, of your statements is unimportant to you?


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