There's a pirate radio station broadcasting near me. Exactly what is the law regarding them?
Unlicensed or "Pirate" Radio Station
by TresHappy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Are you looking at getting them shut down?
Kansas District Overbeer -
No, I am not interested in shutting them down. My neighbor is upset because he broadcasts a lot of David Duke. I just wondered if they were really illegal...
TresHappy, you are correct, David Duke is actually illegal in the contiguous United States (or at least should be).
It depends on the power that the broadcast station is using... there are Part 15 - Unlicensed broadcast stations allowed... but their range is usually limited to only the 'neighborhood'.
High Schools usually use these - to cover the campus.
If he is being received for more than a few miles - then he is broadcasting with too much power - and the FCC would be very interested in 'talking' to him (spelled confiscation of equipment).
Jim TX (holder of General Class FCC License)
Well I am sure someone will turn him in...I won't...I have no desire to tell on someone. I think back to the days when I was a JW and I had the elders trailing me and my worldly boyfriend around TAKING PHOTOS. Let someone else do that.
I had the elders trailing me and my worldly boyfriend around TAKING PHOTOS.
Seriously? <jaw drops>
Yes rebel!
David Duke?
Is that that dude that did that stuff way back when he was doin stuff that he did?
Or am I thinkin someone else?