This wasn't earth shattering but it stuck in my head...
My daughter was with her dad the weekend of Mothers Day last year and we had arranged to meet up later for dinner. I was at the mall shopping and stopped for some coffee, I noticed they sold bakalva (a greek pastry) which I hadn't had in forever. I decided to get some with my coffee and about half way thru it thought about my daughter and that she might like to try I saved it for her.
I met my daughter and her dad for dinner and afterwards I remembered I had the bakalva I had saved for her and pulled it out. My ex looked at me kind of weird and said that Bubbles had asked him what bakalva was....looked up from bagging leaves and said "hey dad what is bakala?" just out of the blue while they were doing yard work. I asked him when it was a few hours perviously right about when I was getting it.
Sometimes you wonder how many other coincidences happen you just don't ever connect them....