CoC and Search of Christian Freedom came yesterday in the mail

by ithinkisee 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • truth_about_the_truth


    I felt the same way too when I got mine from Amazon but in time you'll realize that they are just books. No big deal. Very important books. You'll have a hard time putting it down. I personally liked Coc better even though the last chapeter of ISCF is tremendous. Congrats for taking this step.

    You may change your screen name from ithinkisee to iseeitnow after you are done.


  • fairchild

    Good for you, ithinkisee. It is not an easy book to read, doesn't read a smoothly as a romance novel. I started reading CoC 3 weeks ago and I'm only on page 300 (of course work always gets in the way of reading too).

    Kendal, Do you have any friends where you can have the book delivered? Perhaps even the local grocery store? Or better, why not ask the library if they can have the book delivered to them. You could pick it up there and pay for it. You can also order it through a local bookstore. That way it arrives at the book store, and not at your home. Whatever you do, don't have it delivered to your KH. (just kidding).

  • seattleniceguy

    Hi Kendall,

    Unfortunately, the book is not available via download right now. I think I may talk to Ray about setting up a system like that. I'm a developer with the necessary experience to do it as a labor of love, and I think a lot of people would benefit.

    Regarding the PO box idea, 53 pounds a year is a bit expensive, but you'd only need it for a month, right? Can you do it that way?


  • ithinkisee

    I had mine delivered to a non-JW business associate's office where I do alot of my contracting work.

    The weird thing for me is that while I was at Bethel I went to the same Kingdom Hall as Franz, Gangas, Schroeder, Barr, etc. (GB Members for those of you not familiar).

    Schroeder used to give Instruction Talks on Thursday nights just like everybody else. I held many of them in high esteem at the time - even up until a few months ago when my "researching" hit fever pitch.

    It's gonna be weird reading about these guys that I was sorta acquainted with. Of course, I was only 7 years old in 1980, but. . .still. . .

    (by the way, I am typing this at a coffee shop, and a Field Service group just came in and said hello. . . oye!. . . . .I almost couldn't minimize this screen fast enough!)


  • HadEnuf

    Two great reads. I loved them so much I bought extra copies of each and donated them to our library. I had to do a "stealth" donation because the PO's wife works there. I hope she had to check them in....(evil laugh of glee)!!!!

    Cathy L.

  • willyloman

    My wife was very nervous when it arrived in our mail box. She waited for some weeks after I read it before she opened it up one day. She consumed in over the next several evenings, with a lot of head shaking and talking to herself. Now it sits on her book shelf in plain sight and she quotes from it often.

    If I were king of the WTS, this book would be required reading for every dub. Hell, if I were king, I'd insist it be used in the congo book study and attendance would be mandatory.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I also ordered my copies of those two books from Amazon. Fortunetely I'm single so I just had them delivered to my appartment. I remember after reading the chapter on "Double Standards" and the Malawi bullshit that I just had to put the book down and pace around the house to calm down. There is no way in my mind a sane person could continue as a witness after reading those books.

  • eyeslice


    CoC was very nmuch a turning point in my exit from JW Land. I don't know much about your back ground but I was very much a 'lifer' and was seen as a pillar of our local congregation.

    CoC opens your eyes to just how much internal turmoil is hidden from the rank and file.

    Let us know how you get on with it.


  • seattleniceguy


    There is no way in my mind a sane person could continue as a witness after reading those books

    I agree heartily! In my DA letter, I wrote:

    Regardless of what you have heard about the book or its author, please set prejudice aside and read it. I cannot conceive of any honest person who would not be moved very, very deeply by this book.


  • jillbedford

    I sounds like you just got something illegal.

    You have a right to make your own choices. Break free.

    I was able to make these choces w/o reading the Franz books. But it is definately my goal to get them read this spring before I go see my uncle. A long lost uncle due to his reading, and them leaving the Franz literature. Smart man he is. He has been missed.

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