There was never an announcement made. I wrote them a letter not a DA letter, but essentially I told them that me and my family simply wanted to "cease to be involved with the faith" At the time on their web site it said that you would not be shunned if you simply ceased to be involved with the faith. I also said if they made an announcement that I would sue them for slander. It's now almost 3 years later and I am wondering what am I. People don't talk to me, I know they think I'm an Apostate. I talked to the PO and he said no announcement was ever made. He said the reason people shun me is that they talk amoung themselves. It's not that I really care I'm just curious. If I called the society could I ask what my standing is with the organization. DO they keep a file on everyone? Maybe I'm inactive. If I started attendig meetings here I moved to a different state (not that I ever would) would I be able to just pick up where I left off and be a good JW? Or would they find out.
How can I find out what my standing in the Org is?
by lv4fer 13 Replies latest jw friends
At the time on their web site it said that you would not be shunned if you simply ceased to be involved with the faith.
Really? When my mom DAd herself back in the 90s she (as well as her kids) ended up being shunned.
I would think that since you DAd yourself by letter that they have you down as DAd.....I'm not sure how it works for all. -
The local cong is probably the only ones to have any info on you. The society would have no info on you unless you served as an elder, MS, or in the full time work or had a judical hearing in the past.
You could move, but could not just like join another congo. They would need to get your publisher record card from you last congo. And the last congo would send a letter of introduction to the new congo informing them of your status. That is unless you pretended you were never a witness. If you tried to come back at this point, there might be some kind of inquiry made by the BOE as to whether you committed some sin during your inactivity, or that led to your inactivity. If many in the congo view you as an apostate, I can almost assure you there will be atleast an inquiry if not a full blown judical hearing.
If no announcement was made then you are considered inactive and the society dont know or care what your personal status is.
So then there is no way, short of my calling one of the elders of my old congregation, to find out what they labeled me as.
So then there is no way, short of my calling one of the elders of my old congregation, to find out what they labeled me as.
That's it. Of course you might not want to open that can o worms.
It is safe to say that if your PO told you there was no announcement, then you are only inactive at this point & induhviduals in the congo have made their own choice to shun you (god help them) out of fear that you might poison them with apostate thinking.
If you go ask the elders about your status, you will, in their eyes be placing yourself back under their jurisdiction and will feel that you are accountable to them for your actions since you sent the letter. If you go back you will need to explain yourself, and if you tell the truth, (apostacy) they will form a judicial committee and hear your case. If they think you are repentant, you will be let back in under restrictions and judicial reproof. If not then you will be disfellowshipped.
Thanks. I was just wondering. I have no reason to care except that my dad is still in and he asked me and I said I didn't know but that I was pretty sure I was just considered inactive officially. My husbands cousin, who is in elder in another congregation, inferred to my dad that we were disfellowshipped. SO that is why he asked me. I thought if I could just call up the society and ask them (I was thinking maybe they had a database with the info on it they could tell me.) I don't want to ask any elders from my old KH because I don't want them to think I care and that I might consdider their opinion important. I wouldn't want to be the individuals who have judged me when they go before Christ to answer to him.
He said the reason people shun me is that they talk amoung themselves.
My husbands cousin, who is in elder in another congregation, inferred to my dad that we were disfellowshipped.
Sounds like you have an open-and-shut slander case. I would gave a lawyer send the elders a "friendly" letter reminding them of what slander is and also point out that you have noticed a change in the way people are behaving toward you as evidence of their slanderous activities.
after over 300 postings and threatening to sue for slander, writing a disassociation letter which 'wasn't a disassociation letter' and 'wondering what I am.' The enormity of those people refusing to 'be nice' when having a gun brandished in their face! At least on this forum one has the company of other pistol packing mommas and poppas. 346 postings was it? Some six-gun!
"he is an indecisive (two souled) man, unsteady in all his ways? James 1:8
I don't see any way to find out for sure. The only things you can do involve asking for records or info from current members/elders, and there's no way in H-e-double-toothpicks you can count on them telling you the truth. I mean, they lied to you about so many other things all that time, how can you possibly believe anything they tell you now? You can't.