Thousands upon thousands
JW policiies on blood, vaccines, transplants kill patients, say docs!!!!
by avishai 10 Replies latest watchtower medical
Which docs? Where? When?
(Just razzin' ya. Thought it was only fair since I did it to the other guy)
I wonder how many parents lost their loved ones due to the blood issue! Even If I were in it fullheartedly, I still dont think I could let one of my kids die for it.
I guess I will never understand the deep rooted belief in an organization that tells you one thing, then changes their mind over and over again. To say you are offering the "truth" and then that "truth" constantly changes over time would really seem to be a clue that they aren't honest. For me, when I started looking at this religion, the biggest clue was "don't question". When anyone ever says that to me, well, I start questioning immediately. I see it as if you can't stand to have something questioned, then you are hiding something.
Interestingly, some anesthesiologists revealed that up to half of their Jehovah?s Witness (JW) patients had been willing to re-evaluate their position on blood when a private conference was held with them. This was especially true of younger JWs who frequently expressed their desire to live and willingness to accept blood treatments if necessary and if kept confidential. This seems to confirm our belief that there is wide spread dissent and dwindling support for the WTS blood policy among JWs.
This says it all. They are more affraid of the bOrg than displeasing Jehovah. It is the fear bred into them which has them asking for help in the dark.
Have You Seen My Mother
You see JW folks who refuse blood for themselves or their children wholeheartedly believe that the faithful and discreet slave position of the bible is held by those in charge of the Watchtower Society. And yes they are willing to die for their believes, and to see their children die because they have the false understanding Jehovah is behind this requirement, which he isn't. That is strong believe and strong martyrdome. Yes willing to burn on the stake of believe in something so unproven.
I just can't even compute the evil that is the WTBS blood policy. How in the hell can those GB members sleep at night.. I seriously just can't get it.
I just can't even compute the evil that is the WTBS blood policy. How in the hell can those GB members sleep at night.. I seriously just can't get it.
Because they're pompous old farts so convinced that they're right that they, they.........i better stop now or it'll jus tbe a tirade of swearing, goddamit.
I know avishai, everytime I read something about that blood policy I just have to get up and pace around or go for a walk to just calm the hell down.