...I don't feel very well. My throat has been sore since last Thursday. Swallowing and yawning really hurt. I think it's viral, though (which you can't do anything about). But right now, I feel really tired; maybe it's because yesterday, I decided it would be a good idea to walk--instead of drive--to a flea market, only to remember how steep the hill really is going back home, and now it's catching up with me. I've been looking at the back of my throat to see if it is coated; not yet. Coating is a sign of strep throat, which does require a doctor's visit because it is bacterial and you need antibiotics. For now I'll just take some pain medicine and gargle salt water.
It can't be the flu, again (I had it last September, so I hope I'm immune to the recent strain). At least I hope not. That would really suck right now. It's finals week at my school!
Please forgive me for ranting.