A possible way to get JWs info w/out incriminating oneself?

by ithinkisee 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    I have an idea on how to get information in a way that won't get you identified ... I wanted to put it to this forum for scrutiny before I actually put it into practice. Here goes:

    I am on several people's JW SPAM list. . .meaning they constantly send me the same things that go around in other circles, like the "Send this to five friends" or they send the scriptures for the week's book study, or they send a "JWs in the news" article or something like that. You know what I mean? THe emails that have been forwarded about 20 times and you have to click down through 4 or 5 emails to get to the actual content? I'm sure you've all got them, whether from J-dubs or not.

    Well, actually, there are sometimes 50 or more email addresses strung across all those email messages, all JW's. Some are elders, CO's, Bethelites, pioneers, etc.

    If I came up with a series of 4 or 5 simple and straightforward "make you think" type email messages that almost don't seem "apostate" in nature and sent them out to those lists under an anonymous email I think it would make a pretty good inroad into some witnesses. Maybe just links to documents, or to secular sources that disprove stuff.

    In order to avoid gettting blocked by these people I could make up a new anonymous email address every time I send.

    What do you think?

    At the very worst, it would get the Society to put out a "Stop sending links to friends" announcement in the KM or something.


  • Golf

    Its worth a try. If you encounter a jdub who asks questions that he insists on you answering, he may catch on. Now, does this including playing false, meaning, if they ask you a question, will you be truthful?


  • FreeWilly

    What the heck, I've thought of the same thing. You could write a fake letter from a Bethelite about the Tsunami Disaster in the Indian Ocean. Somehow weave in the WT/NGO association in it and connect it with logistical difficulties they are having providing humanitarian relief now that they have disassociated from the UN. Send them the link to the UN page too. End the whole thing with some sort of upbuilding "I'm so glad to be in the Borg crap" You could get creative!

  • Mary
    If I came up with a series of 4 or 5 simple and straightforward "make you think" type email messages that almost don't seem "apostate" in nature and sent them out to those lists under an anonymous email I think it would make a pretty good inroad into some witnesses. Maybe just links to documents, or to secular sources that disprove stuff.

    This is a great idea! But how exactly does one go about sending something through an "anonymous email"?? I haven't a clue how to do that, but if I could, I would consider doing the same thing...........

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This is a great idea! But how exactly does one go about sending something through an "anonymous email"?? I haven't a clue how to do that, but if I could, I would consider doing the same thing...........

    Mary - you can get one thru Yahoo. Just use a fictitious name, ect. There are other servers that have the same service.

    ithinkisee - I tried something like this thru an anonymous email address - but to just one person I was trying to reach. She was on to it like a fly on sugar. She didn't ever know it was me that sent the article, but she replied to my secret email account to not bother her or send anything else. Their minds are so closed and paranoid. So I think if you tried it locally, they would soon be on to you and put out the word. But if u used the system that you suggest - emails to those you don't even know - it might work. Just don't use the same contacts again and again - they will just block sender - right. Let us know how it goes.


  • ithinkisee

    I am writing three emails to send out:

    The first is a bogus email of notes from "Morning Worship" with some generic accounts of people surviving (not even witnesses) and some of the devastation. From there I segue into the Red Cross, and I took FreeWilly's suggestion about difficulties working with the UN after the NGO thing. Then (without changing my tone) I will briefly go over the history of the "scandal" without really using the word scandal, and then I link to some UN documents online.

    The second is the AJWRB.ORG timeline of blood history. I am going to disguise it as "Cheat Sheet for Filling out your advanced medical directive", and offer it as a timeline to help understand the society's history of blood on one page. I will let them read it and then at the end I will put a couple of quotes from the Societies own literature about "being wishy washy" is unscriptural and is evidence of NOT being the truth.

    The third is going to be the Sodomites being resurrected. Another wishy-washy thing, and though not a MAJOR issue, it is something simple that can get people to think.

    Any other ideas for ones? I want to keep it to just one topic at a time for each one, so they can't figure it out until after they have read it that maybe they shouldn't have. After that the seed will be planted (hopefully).


  • FreeWilly

    Ithinkisee, you have a PM

  • cyber-sista

    I think you could bring up the Catholic church and its sex scandals (a sure fire attention catcher) and then weave into the paragraph something like: sadly brothers some of this same type of behaviour has infiltrated our own beloved WT organization, but fortunately some who really care about setting things right are working dilengently on thus issue are now at work to get this matter right--and then send them to the silentlambs website...this was a big eye opener for me, but then I knew of a few situations in the congo over the years that were covered over, but I think many others probably do too.

    That's my 2 cents,


  • ezekiel3

    Why not forward JW news updates (easy to get through Google) using your email forward system.

    You could focus on child abuse, scandals (UN etc.) or even posts on this board.

    The email idea could be very good.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It is very difficult to TELL a JW anything. Perhaps it would be better just to ask a question they don't like to think about, saying that it is shaking your faith in Jehover, and you need an answer that makes sense.

    You could justify your anonimity by saying that insisting on an answer to the question has got you in the pooh with the elders. I'm not sure how good that idea is. Any experience with that, anyone??

    Use BCC so that they don't get the email list or someone will click straight away that you are someone on the list.

    You could do a test run on just a few of the addys to guage the reaction before hitting all of them.

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