I have an idea on how to get information in a way that won't get you identified ... I wanted to put it to this forum for scrutiny before I actually put it into practice. Here goes:
I am on several people's JW SPAM list. . .meaning they constantly send me the same things that go around in other circles, like the "Send this to five friends" or they send the scriptures for the week's book study, or they send a "JWs in the news" article or something like that. You know what I mean? THe emails that have been forwarded about 20 times and you have to click down through 4 or 5 emails to get to the actual content? I'm sure you've all got them, whether from J-dubs or not.
Well, actually, there are sometimes 50 or more email addresses strung across all those email messages, all JW's. Some are elders, CO's, Bethelites, pioneers, etc.
If I came up with a series of 4 or 5 simple and straightforward "make you think" type email messages that almost don't seem "apostate" in nature and sent them out to those lists under an anonymous email I think it would make a pretty good inroad into some witnesses. Maybe just links to documents, or to secular sources that disprove stuff.
In order to avoid gettting blocked by these people I could make up a new anonymous email address every time I send.
What do you think?
At the very worst, it would get the Society to put out a "Stop sending links to friends" announcement in the KM or something.