What would be different ?

by rwagoner 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golf

    My community has adapted to the needs of the handicap without fuss or bother.

    I've seen the handicap people in operation and I'll tell you what, they can show us healthy people a trick or two.

    At a private golf course in my community, there's a one arm golfer and he beat couple of good players in a match play competition and badly at that! I should say, shamefully!

    People who feel sorry for themselves need to look outside the box, observe the handicap. Its understandable that NOT all can help themselves.


  • holly

    rwagoner - will pm you later this eve or tmw - got to go to work soon. im rather a long way from you in Nottingham, England. I am a deaf awareness trainer and also teach British sign language and have the necessary qualifications from the Nationally recognised bodies here in England. I train company staff in better communication skills with deaf and hard of hearing people, i teach sign language all over the country, to kids and adults alike, i advise companies what changes they need to make to keep up with the current Disability Discrimination Act, and what technical equipment is advisable to provide equal access. Most of my knowledge is in relation to deaf people. Bec I am profoundly deaf, i always work using communication support, an interpreter or speech to text reporter.

    bi for now


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good thread rwagoner -

    Main street in our little town seems pretty in tune for those who are wheelchair bound. All the crosswalks have been 'ramped' at the curbs - the crossing buttons seem low enough so they can be reached. The library is bad though - steps at all the doors - although there is a ramp at the back that can be used to get to a door - but looks out of the way to me.

    I will think more about that - you have made me aware. Thanx man/


  • whyamihere

    I remember in school there was a few people in Wheelchairs. Our school was great wide hall ways elevators etc. Keith was one of the guys and such a funny awesome guy I even carried his books sometimes to class and one time he carried me to class wheeled me in the class room. I think our city is nice and very helpful with those in wheel chairs. I feel bad for those who deal with it.


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