OK, not being robbed of family so much as being left without a lifetime partner and having no relatives, no adult children to share the grief.
What frightens you?
by ozziepost 35 Replies latest jw friends
My Decisions in life frighten me....I will always say .....what if? or Am I doing what's best? Am I right? etc.....
The choices I make I have to live with I just hope they are the best ones not just for me but my children.
Well, I use to be a buff motha, now I look down and am starting to get man teats. That frightens me. What frightens me more is a lack of desire to do much about it.
But hey, whada you expect for a 91 year old man.
Aside from being buried alive, my main fears in life are loosing loved family and friends. I think, as you get older you become more able to cope with such fears though.
Zombies and spiders. Period.
Being burnt to death. I've decided if I have to die from a cause other than illness or old age then I would like to drown.
Dying without God's Grace.
My more immediate fear is not getting Social Security Disability. I'm due for my hearing this spring/summer (step 3 or 4 in a so-far 2 year process). It will be 2-4 months AFTER the hearing before I have an answer. If the answer is no, we sue. If the answer is Yes, it will be another 6 months - next year - before I see and money. The system sucks but what can a person do?
I have some clostrophobia. And fear of falling, but unrelated to fear of heights (which I don't have) unless I feel like I'm going to fall. I experienced this in the weirdest place .... snorkling in 40ft crystal clear waters in the Carrib. I felt like I was going to fall to the bottom! Wierd
I have no fear of death. I don't want to be a hanger-on-ner when it comes to dying. If I have the physical ability I'll likely make the decision myself.
I fear loosing the love of my life, Kevan. He and I are awesome together, even if we are just a couple of middle aged couch spuds.
Life, in general really holds little fear. I have become contented in who I am, where I've been, and where I think I'm going. It's a good place. I wish it for others!
- Height = viscerally
- War = Scary (you don't want it or you do!)
- Jealous and paranoid people = dangerous for anybody (even to brother and sister or whatever!)
Being a contestant on "Fear Factor" and watching the movie "Poltergeist"