Recently, at the prompting of another poster, I began to look into the similarities between Jesus and other man-gods of ancient cultures. I was shocked! Not so much by the minute details shared between the gospels and the stories of Krishna, Osiris, Zoroaster, Mithras, Dionysus and others, but mainly because I had never heard of this before.
Things like: being born of a virgin, espousing the redeeming power of baptism, turning water into wine at a wedding, having an entourage of 12 close followers, those 12 sharing a final meal with the god, instructing his followers to eat of his body and blood to benefit from his sacrifice (the blood usually symbolized by juice or wine), sacrificing his life by crucifixion on behalf of mankind, being dead for 3 days and then resurrected, he will return at some point to cleanse the world, and much more.
Now, I know this is probably nothing new to most of you, but I was amazed. Especially by the fact that these other man-god myths pre-dated the gospel Jesus by centuries and centuries.
But then I thought, how is this information reconciled by apologists? what explanation is given for these similarities? The only reasoning I can find is, "These man-gods were myth whereas Jesus was real. We know this because of the documented evidence of the gospels." Now, I know that there has to be a better explanation of these stories? existence than that, but I can?t find anything.
Like I said, I?ve only been looking into this subject for a little while so if anyone has further research on this I would REALLY appreciate it. thanks!