went to a meeting tonight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by vitty 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Defd you are truly in the minority in the way you feel, its a shame not everyone is like you!!

    I stopped going to meetings in the end cos Id had it. The pressure of going to meetings the back biting, judging , lack of love wore me down, but im not surprised ppl are like this everyones so tired, oh and they blame that on this system aswell but its the org.

    The meetings are tedious and boring i felt it was me, it was only when I came on this site i realized what was wrong.

    Now im trying to build up my relationship with Jehovah but this will be between him and me, without the spirtual straight jacket of the WT If you could just go to the meetings cos you wanted too and not cos youd get the 3rd degree if you didnt im sure the JWs would be a much happier lot

    It was strange going in but it was like we had never been away, bit like the twilight zone

    Also to class someone as spitually weak is insulting and judgemental, most ppl become society weak, it was the org that affected my relationship with Jehovah for the worst

  • cindykp
    the elders will tolerate doubts regarding WTS teachings, but they will not tolerate conclusions that are contrary to what the WTS teaches.

    This reminds me of when a brother and sister knocked on my door several weeks ago. I told them that I truely dont understand why we cant celebrate birthdays. Just because two people were beheaded way back then, doesnt me we do that now. His response was "dont you find it more special to receive a gift for no reason, than one you are expecting on your bithday?" I said yes, it is, but that still doesnt mean we cant get one on our birthday! Nice biblicle response I got, Hey? Oh yeah, he did say that if we were suppose to celebrate them, Jesus birth would have been recorded in the bible. Hmmm I dont recall anyones wedding aniversary recorded either, but thats ok to celebrate.

  • defd


    Beleive me bro, i HAVE been there. I know EXACTLY how you feel. And you have the right idea. Build your relationship up with Jehovah. Taking your heart felt concerns to him will do wonders. Keep in mind however that the REAL purpose for the meetings are not what many people make them to be but are for Giving God glory and according to Hewbrews 10:24 Let US consider one another to love and fine works.................Vittvim notice it says US. even though many dont follow that admonition you are included in that also. have you ever thought that iYOU can INCITE others at the meeting? You personally could have an affect on others, who knows you may be able to wake some up and help them to think in the right direction when it comes to loving oneanother.

  • heatherg

    The last time I was at a meeting was for a Memorial I brought my hubby daughter and new son, just to please my parents. I was so enraged at my mom, she took my baby boy from me and paraded him around the kh like a proud grandma. She never asked if it was okay to do this or if I minded that EVERYONE there was taking turns holding him. These people won't even look at me, and yet it's okay to hold my baby. How do they know that he's not some spawn of satan? ha!! Anyway I got my hubby to go up to one of the sisters and take him back, we then packed up and left without a word. Mom never apologized, which is fine, because I believe she's too brainwashed to even comprehend. hg

  • 144001
    I truely believe the majority of those who do shun weak ones do it because they are upset with that one and are afraid that they may rub off on them. -- defd


    What you label as being "weak" is actually a sign of strength. The weak-minded rank and file follow the edicts of the Watchtower without question. Those with a modicum of mental strength will question the obviously illogical commands of the board of directors of the Watchtower corporations.

    Keep in mind however that the REAL purpose for the meetings are not what many people make them to be but are for Giving God glory and according to Hewbrews 10:24 Let US consider one another to love and fine works................ --defd

    I don't recall God ever being given "glory" at the meetings. Rather, I recall being told how to act when confronted with a given set of circumstances (aka "programming"), and glory being given to those who push the envelope when it comes to serving the Watchtower corporations. The "real purpose" of the meetings is to exert power and control over the great crowd of pigeons, depriving them of any free thoughts or familial interaction that might occur during free time. The meetings teach you how to think and act in accordance with the resolutions of the Watchtower corporations' boards of directors, thereby facilitating the conformance of your thoughts and actions to those determined to be beneficial to the Watchtower corporations' monetary interests.

    The bottom line of all this though is this: Missing the meetings is not good for us spiritually and those who do shun weak ones are not following jesus example -- defd

    Au contrare, missing the meetings is very good for us, spiritually and mentally. The more meetings you miss, the more opportunity to develop some clear thoughts that will enable you to break the chains of mental bondage imposed upon you by the boards of directors of the Watchtower corporations, who work hard to maximize the fund balance available to the anonymous stockholders of these despicable corporations.

  • mama

    i feel for ya, i had a chair break underneath me at an assembly once, i was a teenager and so mortified. i have to say though nothing could get me to walk in a hall ever again. i remember all too well, those last few meetings i went to, crying in the car on the way there, pulling over to the side of the road to throw up, not joking at all. the talk about the "weak ones" is only a vain effort to grasp some of those leaving due to lack of love back into the org. if you make it clear you don't believe in the org. then you will not be shown any love or compassion, as most of us know.

    defd, i think you sound like a good person but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why your faith in Jehovah or God has to be tied to a man-made imperfect organization? Jesus said the requirements to salvation where faith in him and HE who sent him. Nothing more, if salvation was simply a matter of being a good jdub, getting your hours in, attending the meetings etc, then Jesus died in vain. If works associated with any religion would result in salvation, then, why did he need to come to earth and die? Spiritual food for thought perhaps?

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